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"Hell nawl! Y'all ain't coming in my house!" Jahseh yelled.

"Sir if you don't let us in, we'll have to arrest you." One of the cops said.

"Damn bruh, come in." He said stepping aside and letting them in.

I bolted up the stairs and slid into one of the hallway closets.

Minutes later I heard footsteps coming closer towards the door.

Fortunately, this closet was pretty big so I hid behind the couple of containers that were stacked up.

The footsteps got closer and closer. I held my breathe and stayed still.

"Nola?" I heard Jahseh whisper. I popped out from behind the containers.

"Oh my fuckin' god, what am I supposed to do?" I asked walking towards him.

"I don't know, stay here until I get back. Don't make any noise. I'll get rid of them." He said.

"Get rid of them?"

"Don't worry Nola, it's not what you think." Then we heard the policemen coming up the stairs. "Stay here." He said before quickly closing the door.

I ducked behind the containers again, putting my back against them. I was sitting there for a while before the door open.

I froze.

Whoever it was had came in and just stood there.Then, like In the movies, a tickle came to my nose.

No. Not right now. I can't.



The containers moved and I fell back.

"Nola!? It's okay, we're here to help you. Your safe now." The cop said picking me up.

I snatched my arm away from him. No! I don't know want to leave! Just leave us alone." I shouted.

He grabbed my arm again and pulled me out of the closet. "Poor girl. He has you brainwashed. It's okay." He said causing me to roll my eyes.

He led me downstairs, and once we got down there the cop who had my arm ran over to the other cop who was laying lifeless, sprawled out on the floor.

I watched as he put his fingers to his neck.

"He has no pulse. Miss! I need you to get to the police car and lock the doors!" He yelled, I just stood there.

"I'm not going anywhere." I said, I looked behind the cop and saw Jahseh. He had gloves on and his eyes were pitch black.

X was back.

"NOLA GET TO THE CAR RIGH-" That's when he stopped, X grabbed him by his neck and snapped it.

The cracking noise made me shiver and I looked away. He payed me no attention as he continued to pick up BOTH of the cops with no problem and carried them out the door. I followed him as he put them in the back of the police car.

"Go back in the house, I'll be back later on." He growled and I got in.

I watched as he drove off, when he was fully out of sight I went back into the house.

I went over to the kitchen and got my favorite ice cream. Cookies N Cream, I grabbed a spoon and walked back over to the living room plopping down onto the couch.

I turned on the TV and watched whatever Animé show that was on.

My eyes got heavy and I eventually dozed off.

I already missed him.


"It's positive!" I said with a large smile.

Jahseh and I were currently in the bathroom reading my pregnancy test.

I was passed excited, I jumped onto him almost making us fall over.

"YES!!" Jahseh yelled. I could tell he was excited right now. He was so excited that he was shaking.

"Babe, I'm so fucking happy.... I think I found happiness." He said.

"Your going to be an amazing father bae. I already know it." I said looking into his eyes.

"I love you so much Nola." He said.

"I love you too." I replied and kissed him.


My eyes popped open and I quickly lifted up hitting my head on something.

"Fuck! My chin." Jahseh said rubbing his chin.

I covered my mouth, holding back my laughter. "Oh shit! I'm so sorry." I said.

He made a stank face causing me to let go of my laughter.

"Why was I on your lap anyways?"

"Because I like watching you sleep."

Sleeping... Oh yeah that was a dream.

What does it supposed to mean??



Kidnapped (Jahseh Onfroy 🖤)Where stories live. Discover now