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Lol, damn some of y'all supported the copied book 😂.

Anyways read 👇🏾


He lifted his fist up but she didn't do anything.

The fact that she wasn't scared, defeated him.

He put his fist down and gave her a threatening look. "Now can you sit down?" She asked.

"....Yeah mane." He answered smacking his lips.

I, myself was shocked. I ain't never seen this nigga do no shit like this.

He sat back down on the couch followed by Ericka.

"So tell me X, how were you brought into Jahseh?" She started off.

"Do I really gotta answer all these dumb ass question." He asked.


A/n: Content displayed below is not true, made up story, made up facts. Y'all know Jahseh's ass was fighting out in them damn streets 🙄.

"..... People was always beating the shit out of Jahseh. And since he was 'too nice' he never did shit. He always wished he could be like me. So now, all I want to do is fuck up the people who disobey or disrespect him." He said.

"But you do know you have to control yourself. One day, your going to hurt someone he really loves."

"I already beat Nola. She don't listen to none he say, and she got a smart ass mouth. One day I went crazy on her... she deserved it too." He mumbled.

"Aye her mouth ain't good for just back talking." Jah spoke.

"Shut the fuck up dude." I said back.

"X... do you think your the reason she left?" Ericka asked.

"Hell nawl! She left Cus she wanted too!" He yelled.

He wanted to hit something but for some reason he didn't want to hurt Ericka. "FUCK."

"She might have left because you scared her, you have to remember that Jahseh basically owns you. You shouldn't get in the way between him and someone he loves, X." She explained.

"It ain't MY fault." He yelled again. "It's not."

And for the first time... X actually felt bad for what he did.


Every since then, the past few weeks, X has been talking to Ericka. They literally sit and talk about EVERYTHING. He's nice as hell to her, which is fucking crazy because he ain't never been nice to nobody.

At all.

Every time we walked through that door and he saw her, that nigga smiled. I believe he got a lil crush on her. But knowing him, he ain't gonna admit it.


I let X have the light today because it's the last day he'd be here.

As Ericka walked into the room, X's face expression changed. He didn't hold a mug it was more of a smile. A innocent one at that.

"Hey Ericka." He said smiling.

This dude soft.

"X you whipped." Seh-Seh said in our thoughts causing me and all of the others to laugh.

"Nice to see you're doing good." She nodded.

"Yeah, cause of you..."

She cleared her throat.

"So you know today's your last day right." She asked.

"Yeah man." He sighed. "-but we can still see each other right?"

"Nigga really?" I spoke to him.

"I can't have separate relationships with clients. It's against the rules."

"I never gave a fuck about the rules and I'm finally getting better and you tryna curve a nigga because of a fuck ass rule."

"Tell her you like her." I said in our thoughts.

"NO!" He accidentally shouted out loud.

"Is everything fine? No what?" She asked.

"Jahseh keeps telling me to tell you-"

He was embarrassed to admit something like that, X has never liked anyone.

"You can tell me X. We've talked about everything already." She said.

"Ilikeyou." He said quickly.

Jah busted out laughing in our thoughts and so did everyone else.

"Was that so hard?" She asked smiling.

"What about me?" He asked.

"I already told you I can-"

He interrupted her.

"Fuck the rules Ericka. I already know if YOU leave then I leave!"

A/n: That means if she's not going to be around anymore, his personality is going to fade into the dark with the rare ones.

He thought for a second.

"Was this the plan? To get me to like you so y'all could get rid of a jit'?" He asked.

"No X. That's not it at all. We were just trying to cure you. Mold you into better person. You weren't supposed to like me. I'm sorry, but this is strictly business for me." She explained.

For some reason he didn't get angry. He simply accepted it.

"It was nice helping you. If you ever need anything, you know where to find me." She said, and with that she was out the door.

Once she was gone, X was gone too.

I think.

I just couldn't wait to tell Nola.


I dream of these chapters, then I write them 😭🙇🏾‍♀️.


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