natebutler: always a good time w my favorite girl💜
tagged; camifitz
994k likes; 738k comments
user: i ship
usera: but her and harry are together?? @user
userb: actually that might not be true. he unfollowed her last night @usera
userc: she's so cute i cry
userd: goals #otp
camifitz: much love, nathan💞
grifhightower: my two favs
therealjosephmorgan: my favorite kids
mr.danielgilles: kolvina will always be superior
claireholt: ^ that's the truth
camifitz: no one can replace davina claire @claireholt @mr.danielgillies
paulvedere: i like nate more than harry anyways
camifitz: noted @paulvedere
madelame: my babies :')
harrystyles: i see you've already moved on @camifitz
camifitz: can we not do this right now? and he's just a friend, haz. you know that @harrystyles
harrystyles: do i? @camifitz
grifhightower: i think it's time that you left @harrystyles
camifitz: dream team💭🌝💓
tagged; claireholt, grifhightower
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