At The School, The first Day.

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As we stepped in the school grounds Thomas didnt stop looking at me. And we noticed that we were the first ones who arrived at the school. Then we went t our assignned dorms. But since in one room thers like ten rooms, there we all stayed. As we went to our rooms, someone knocked. we opened the door and saw John Andrew Zitro, so theres like two rooms left. So before we led him to his room, we all welcomed him then I led him to his room. Then I noticed that Thomas' rooom and mine are beside each other, and we also noticed that every room has another door leading to the other room. Then I went back to my room.

In my room:

I sat on my bed and thought, that if Thomas kissed me, does that mean that he likes me? Then the other door swung open silently. I didnt notice because I was distracted in thinking. Then someone held my hands and said, " I do like you." When I looked at the voices direction, I saw Thomas. And I asked,"Dont you liike Rose Anne Marie? And you hoping to call her Rose Anne Marie Detera Northway?". " I was, but since I spent more time with you, I asked myself, I have a crush ono a girl who  I dont spend time with and I spend time with her best friend, so why dont I?" he answered. Then he left my room throuhg the other door. 

In the living room:

"Bro's so we've known our classmates here since kindrgarten, so you must have um... you know?" Andrew asked.  "We know what? Like love?, sweetheart? girlfriend? crush?" asked Andrew, "well I dont have one." then smirked.

"Wel if we're going to talke about our girls we have to have pop corn and a good movie," said Martin.

"Hey, all of you come here, we're gonna have a movie," Thomas said.

"Sure" I answered.

"Hey, we just got a note that we're, isa and I aare being transfered to a new room," Rose anne said.

"So you're leaving me with these men?" I asked.



"Cause you're a man. you said it yourself when we were in the third grade"

"well yeah so I'm gonna acted manly, bye see ya" Isaid as they were going out the door.

As we sat down to watch the movie, somebody knocked, Martin who was closser to the door didn't mind. Annoyed I went to the door to open it and see was it. When I oppened it I saw John Carlito Johnson. "Hi, Carlo, I see ya found your way through the hallway full of people," I said sarcastically to him. "Yeah, a hallway full of people, I can see that the hallways so crowded," he answered. "Can somebody help us carry his bags?" I asked. Nobody answered so I carried them myself and led Carlo to his room. "So you still remember me, right?" I asked.

 "Yeah, you're Lizzy, the person who I ride  home with"

"Yeah, Ok so get ready cause we're gonna watch a movie, and aftetr that we're gonna order pizza."

I went to my room to change my clothes, short shorts so that i can walked freely, and sleeves cause it was cold, and i put a little chapstick to make it a little red, brushed my teeth, and went to join my bros watching the movie.

When I got in the living room everybody looked at me and Martin said,"Sit with me"

"Never, I will seat with Mason cause his not like all of you boys"

While we were watching the movie we ordered pizza so that while we were watching the mivie we could eat. I sat between Martin and Thomas. "Hey guys I'm gonna go sleep now," I said. "May I escort you?" asked Martin. "Sure" I answered.

In my room:

I laid down and then Martin asked" You aren't really sleepy are you?"

"yeah, I just said that cause I got bored, and please close the door" I said.

Then Martin laid down beside me on my bed and put his arms on his chest, then turned to me," Hey, why did you let me close the door?" " Cause I want some privacy"

"What do you mean privacy?"

"Im in my room? I would need some privacy, so get out now cause I got to get ready for a movie"

"what movie?"

"just a movie and i need some privacy when im watching" then I turned the tv and watched.

"you watch this? I love this movie" then he laid down beside me and we wacthed the movie. Then we heared somebody knock, "Who is it?" I asked, nobody answered so I oppened the door, then I saw, Mathew John Cooper, a old friend of mine. "Hi, how are you doing?" He asked " Fine, you?"

"Fine, um why is Martin in your room?"

"We were watching a movie"

"Well, they said you two should come out and join us watching a movie, and you should take me to my room" he said to me.

I led him to his room,"So, there's a deal you boys should follow, Im the only girl here cause the other gals transffered, so no one goes into my room at night, second, in the morning if you boys are gonna wake me up, you should knock first, and third, Im not gonna do anything stupid if you, all of you dont do anything stupid, get it, Mathew?"


We both went to the living room, I sat on the couch, then I saw Martin come."Move aside, Im gonna sit"

"I sat here first" but still i had to move over, and ofcourse I had to share my blanket. But no matter. It was passed 11 I was sleepy and didin't notice I fell asleep, I woke up and noticed that I was being carried to my room, didin't see who, just closed my eyes.


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