chapter 11

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Mini shut his eyes and waited for the pain but before the guy could do anything he got shot with water and froze Mini opened his eyes he felt weak and his vision started to become dark this usally happens when he was in danger or he was very close to death Mini fell unconsios and he fell in someone's arms.....

Mini was standing before a door wich had a sighn on it wich said 'The queen's son' Wich he got confused on why it was so familiar he opened the door to be gretted by Bryce and the others sitting around a baby who was sucking on his thum while having a book infront of him the baby giggled and laughed and also clapped at the book while everyone said 'Aaaw' Then Mini relized that, that was him when he was a baby he walked over and sat infront of himself he looked at the book wich was named 'Once Upon A Time' He knew this book he still had it

"You know Mini might grown up to be as strong as me" Jon said and he patted Mini's younger self's head

"No way babe he'll be way way stronger!" Evan disagread and gave Jon a kiss on the cheek

Mini looked at himself and his younger self looked up at him and smiled

"Goo... Ma" His younger self tried talking while reaching his tiny hand out

"Is he going to say his first word?!" Jon squeled

"He's only a few months old so dont be so hopefull" Bryce said

"C-Craig!" His younger self said and clapped grabbing Mini's hand

"OH MY FREAKING GOD!" Bryce and Jon screamed at the same time as a women wearing a queen like dress rushed in....

Mini darted upwards he was on Bryce's couch he looked around and stood up but imidently felt dizzy so he sat back down after a few seconds he looked out the window the sun was almost setting he should get going so he stood up and grabbed his backpack and hurried out only to make his way back to his house

"Ooh birdy~" A voice hummed

Mini turned around to meet the same guy with the scissors with blood on it and he had craze in his eyes

"I though you wanted to play" The guy said and started walking towards him

Mini quickly started running but faster but the guy followed

"Come on! I wont hurt you!" The guy tried but Mini diden't listen

Mini ran around a corner and ran over the street and jumped over a fence wich was way taller than him and ran to his house wich was on the other side when he got in he closed the door behind him in a rush and put his back against it sliding down onto the floor his hair white as snow

"What does he want?" Mini silently asked himself and stood up

He teleported his backpack upstairs in his room and changed clothes with magic he also teleported his headphones to him but before he could

"Ooh birdy come out~" The guy said as he knocked on his door

"Huh who's that?" Mini heard a voice from upstairs

Mini backed up as his door opened and the guy was there Mini quickly put his headphones on and turned on TRNDSTTR He knew there was limited space but he diden't care much

"Oh you wont hear~? Such a shame then" The guy ran towards him

Mini's eyes flashed red as the beat dropped in the music and before the guy could have hit him he grabbed his arm and turned him to his back grabbing his other arm the putting his foot on his back then pulling and putting presur on his back of the guy and pulling his arms at the same time

"AH!" The guy had a small scream before he knocked Mini into the stairs

"Oh fuck me" Mini said as he got up and ran upstairs buying some time to get his baseball bat

"Ooh birdy~" The guy hummed as he went upstairs

"Take this!" Mini said as he hit the guy across his face with the frozen baseball bat he literly just froze

"Nice shot but" The guy punched the baseball bat and it shattered

Mini was quickly putten into action again as the guy tried cutting him

"Hey who are you!??!" Mini heard a voice wich cought him off guard

"Got you!" The guy said as he grabbed Mini by the collar of his shirt

Mini reacted immidently and his left eye flashed light blue and held his right hand out and closed his eyes only to hear

"Ngh" A sound the guy made

Mini opened his eyes and froze he did it again there was a bone through the guys stomach this was pretty normal for him now but that he did this was a bit shocking for him

"Bryce what happened?!" Another voice called

Mini heard footsteps heading upstairs he just stood there looking at the body wich diden't have blood but only a bone sticking out of the back of his stomach

"What the hell?! Mini what are you doing here!?" Tyler asked very worried

Mini felt so dizzy and his vision almost black he was also very close to death again but he doesen't get it when there is no body around so he still got it no matter what

"Mini!? Mini is every--" Bryce's voice faded as Mini fell unconses again

Daamn this took loong!

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