chapter 19

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The guys where taking a small break because Mini had enough of high heels they cant blame him

"Hey Mini" Tyler had a cup of water over Mini

"Go away i'm tired" Mini said rubbing his right eye

Mini pretty much got 1 hour of sleep working on an idea for him

"Oh well this will wake you up" Delirious said and grabbed the cup of water and dumped it over Mini

"WAAH DELIRIOUS!" Mini screeched

Delirious just laughed

"No no no no" Mini keep saying no looking at his phone wich was frozen

"What you can buy a new one" Delirious said "Plus why do you have a nokia?" ((They're great ok!))

"No no no..." Mini put his head down and into his arms the phone was from his sister he always listened to music on it

"Damn your moody" Delirious giggled

"THIS WAS FROM MY SISTER!" Mini screamed looking up at him almost crying the only memory of her is now gone Mini felt broken

Mini got up wasting to words grabbing his stuff and costume and walking away and disapeared since he was almost running

They called after him but no use he keept running and tripping a few times he threw the costume away and disapeared into the near small forest close to school Mini curled up to a tree holding the phone close he checked it and it still worked wich he was so relived on

"Thank god you still work" Mini said still crying

After a bit Mini calmed down and was very tired and from crying also thirsty he was half asleep already and listining to 'Castle' Wich calmed him down

"Oh there you are" Mini diden't hear Tyler say

Tyler sat down next to Mini who was falling asleep and leaned against him falling asleep

"You had the worst day possible huh?" Tyler asked putting Mini's head onto his lap and rubbing the brunet's arm

"Night night" Tyler said and smiled

~Mini's dream~

Mini had a yellow rain coat on and had a lighter he knew this place and he already went running he was in Little Nightmares exept... Everyone was they're charater but Tyler wasen't a Six he was the Lady Mini knew because he had a picture of him in his jacket he dosen't know why

"Hey where are you going? Aren't you scared?" A voice asked wich was Evan's

"No i know what to do!" Mini said determent and he keept going

Mini got to the nursery where Tyler came in

'Wait what?' Mini thought moving away from him

Tyler only turned around and grabbed and snapping his neck

~Nightmare over~

Mini woke up crying and sitting up he was... In his house? Hw got out if bed and went downstairs to see Tyler with the Lady costume

"Maybe it's still usable" Tyler mumbled

Mini went over being quiet not wanting to happen what happened in his dream it seemed so real he belived it

Tyler put the costume down and looked behind him only to see Mini standind there "Oh hey Mini"

"H-Hi" Mini said and sat down next to him ((He's on the couch!))

"How'd you sleep" Tyler asked

"I uhm... Good?" Mini said unsure

"Thats good and are you crying?" Tyler asked seeing his face stained with tears

"N-No!" Mini said and shook his head...


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