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"Hmmm" I can smell pancakes are being burned.

I suddenly sat up as I realize I'm not dreaming something is burning.

I ran to where the burning smell is coming from and I saw Taehyung panicking.

"Yah!" I ran to him and shut the stove off.

There's a lot of smoke in the kitchen, I struggle to find the switch for the vent but manage to find it. Who's kitchen is taehyung's trying to burn?

I gave him a deathly glare but he is standing there staring at me.


I'm seriously couching right now. But good thing there's a vent here to lessen the smoke. I check the stove and I'm right the pancake is burned.

This kitchen is a mess. I pity the kitchen owner

I looked back to Taehyung who is pretty quite.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt?" I asked him but he just shook his head and look away.

"Why?" I asked him I suddenly check my clothes.

I ran to the closest room that I can see which I notice the bathroom. Who's house is this? And why am I wearing shirt? Only shirt? Who's shirt is this? Argghhh. Where am I.

I flinch as I feel my head is aching. I probably got hang over last night.

Wedding night

"Ahhhh!" I checked my ring finger and there's a ring. Pabo lisa!!! I really got married yesterday.

And my clothes. It's a guy clothes. What happen to me?

A sudden knock interrupted my moment

"Lisa? Gwenchana?"

"Taehyungie? Why am I wearing this clothes?" I asked not opening the door

"Mianhe... You seem not comfortable last night with your dress so I decided to help you... You're so drunk... Are you ok now? Is your head still aching?"

Omo. He removed my clothes. Kim Taehyung remove my clothes.

I cannot.

I realize there is no clothes in this spacious bathroom.

Who's house is this? It's so big and neat. But how can I get out of this room. I'm still wearing shirt. Only shirt. And underwear.

Huhuhuh ottoke

"I brought pants. Open the door" he knocked again.

"Look away." I shouted to him

"Pabo! I changed your cloth-"

"Yahhh! Stop!" I interrupted him " J-just look away... I'm not comfortable. Jebal" I said

"Ok... open the door now." I followed him and he hand me clothes. I immediately closed the door.

"Thanks" i shout back... I notice this aren't my clothes but its Teahyung's pants. I wear it and looked into the mirror.

Did he removed my make up last night? And my hair is neatly tied up. I can see my face is still blushing. Argghh this is so embarrassing.. he saw my...

My body last night.

I decided to open the door after 5 minutes. I saw him sitting on the floor waiting for me. He stood up immediately when he saw me.

"Mianhe Lisa... Trust me I didn't do anything... I closed the lights when I remo-" He said but i cut him off

"It's ok.. I trust you" I said "thanks for helping me out yesterday.. and for removing my make up and tying up my hair.. I appreciate it.. I'm sorry I drank too much seems like i've been burden yesterday" I said and looked down

He held my chin up and made him stare to him he is too closed to me "i told you... I will treat you as my princess if you agree to this...." he said in a low voice... I can feel his warm breath on my cheeks is he going to kiss me? He opened his lips and "... Can you help me make pancakes? I'm hungry"

I giggled at his face. He is so serious requesting for breakfast. He looked confused " Jebal.. I'm starving... Yah I'm serious" he said

"OK.. but clean up your mess first"

We both chuckled staring at his mess.

Married To My Bias ※ KTH #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now