Chapter 26: Baby Mine

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To Mark's disappointment, Spencer told Toby about the kiss. Toby was upset at first, but understood. He knew Spencer hadn't cheated on him; he would be heartbroken if she did.

Spencer promised to herself to be one hundred percent honest with Toby. Excluding the incident with James, of course. She was drunk, she was a mess, and Toby was deployed. In her mind, it never happened. She hadn't heard from James since, so she took it as a sign to never talk about him again. She couldn't handle another secret, not as big as this.

"How's school going?" Spencer asked Toby during their movie night they had almost every Saturday night.

"Better than expected. I'm passing, so that's great,"

"I'm so proud of you, Toby." Spencer stated, kissing her boyfriend gently on his cheek.

"What about you? Have you heard back from SCSU yet?" Toby asked. Since Spencer's business had gone bankrupt, she had been determined to go back to school. The only problem was that she didn't know where to go or what to major in. She tried to stay in the area, but the closest colleges that she admired were forty minutes away, in New Haven.

"No. I don't think I'll ever hear back. Not even UConn wanted me." Spencer groaned. She worried that she wouldn't be able to find a school, and that she'd be forced to provide for her son with minimum wage, working two jobs.

"You'll find something, baby. I promise." Toby said, kissing the top of his girlfriend's head. Toby's phone, which was sitting on the kitchen counter, began to ring. He quickly got up to answer it, and Spencer paused the movie they were watching.

"Hello? What? Jon, slow down, I can't understand you," Toby said not long after he picked up the phone, "what?! Oh my god! We're on our way right now." Toby hung up his phone, then ran to their shared bedroom to get a pair of shoes.

"Toby? What's going on?" Spencer asked, frightened. She wasn't sure if Toby was scared or excited.

"Rebecca's having her baby. We have to go now!" Toby exclaimed. Spencer, now just as excited as Toby, ran to get her shoes as well, not even bothering to fix her hair or even put on a bra.

When the couple climbed into the car, it finally hit Spencer: Toby's niece or nephew is going to be born tonight.


Spencer and Toby were not allowed in the delivery room, but Jonathan promised to update them as much as he could. So far, after two hours of waiting, Rebecca was still in labor and suffering mass amounts of pain in her lower back. "You guys can go home if you want, the baby might not be born or a while," Jonathan would say, but would soon be dismissed by Toby.

"No, no. We're staying here until that baby is born." Toby would say.

After another hour of waiting, Spencer finally built up the courage to ask what had been on her mind since they got to the hospital. "Would you ever want kids?"

"Honestly, I don't know," Toby said, grabbing onto Spencer's hand.

"Are you sure you're being honest?" Spencer asked, seeing through Toby's facade. She knew very well he didn't want any kids, even though she did.

"Spencer," Toby started, sighing, "I don't want kids."

Spencer ran her hand through Toby's semi-messy hair. "That's okay," she said quietly. She didn't have to say it out loud. Toby knew that she wanted more kids. She loved children, and he knew she loved him.

Toby kissed the top of her head again, then Jonathan entered again, more quiet than Toby had ever seen him. "Jon, is everything okay?" Toby asked, standing up.

"Everything is absolutely perfect," Jonathan said, his eyes filling up with tears of joy, "I'm a dad."


"This is Maria," Jonathan said, carefully handing his newborn daughter over to his brother.

"That's such a beautiful name," Spencer said to Rebecca, "how did you pick it?"

"Maria was my grandmother's name," Rebecca explained in a voice low enough to where only Spencer could hear, "she came here from Puerto Rico with nothing, and she was able to provide for my mother and my uncle until the day she died. She's my hero."

Spencer smiled, remembering this moment. This was an oddly familiar moment, and she suddenly remembered of a time when she was in a hospital bed, holding Isaac for the first time.


"He's so beautiful," Mark said, admiring his newborn son.

"Well, duh. He looks just like his dad." Spencer said, smiling. Despite being only eighteen, and having little to no money to provide for her son, or even a job, she forgot all of that in this moment. All she could see was this perfect little infant in her lover's arms, cooing and babbling. And she wouldn't want to have it any other way.

"We still haven't picked a name yet," Mark said. That was going to be the hard part, without a doubt. What could be a name she would never get tired of? A name that she wouldn't cringe at whenever she heard it? She didn't want to name him Peter, after her father. Mark didn't want to name him Christopher, after his father.

"How about Matthew?" Mark suggested, earning a groan from Spencer. Matthew was the name of the first boy she kissed, and she remembered her mother scolding her when she found out. It was a sour memory.

"What about Adam?" Spencer asked.

"Oh yeah, name your son after one of the original sinners... your mom would love that," Mark said sarcastically. The two laughed at the memories they shared and how passionate their mothers were over church and bible study.

"Mason?" Mark suggested.

"You know my mom will kill us if the baby's name isn't biblical," Spencer warned, only half-joking.

Mark chuckled. "How about... Isaac?"

Spencer looked down at her two-day-old baby boy. Suddenly, just by hearing that name, everything seemed to fall into place. Although she wanted nothing to do with this baby at first, once he was in her arms, she had fallen in love all over again. "Yeah," she said, seeing her baby for the first time in a new light. Spencer promised herself to always put her son's happiness before hers, no matter what. If he was hurt, she'd never leave his side.

She was reminded of her favorite book as a child, one she demanded her mother to read to her nearly every night. Now that she was a mother herself, these words had an entirely new meaning. "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be."

"Isaac is perfect,"


Spencer's cell phone, which was on vibrate so she wouldn't startle the baby, began to buzz. An unknown Connecticut number was calling her.

"I'll be right back," she stated before exiting the room.

Maria began to violently cry, and Jonathan hurried to have his daughter back in his arms. "I think she's hungry," Rebecca stated, reaching her arms out for her daughter.

"I think I'm going to head back home. It's getting pretty late," Toby said after Jonathan handed his daughter back to his wife. It was nearly four in the morning and nobody had gotten any sleep.

"Alright. Hey, thanks for being here," Jonathan said, hugging his brother.

Toby said his goodbyes and exited the private room, finding Spencer immediately. She had a certain look on her face, as if she knew something that he didn't know. Like she was holding something back.

"Is everything okay?" Toby asked, concerned.

"That was Yale University. I got in."

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