Chapter 37: What About Us?

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After their kiss, and after they both took Isaac to school, Spencer and Toby spent the day together. They were laughing and kissing as if they'd been together forever.

"Are you sure?" Toby said after pulling away from him and Spencer's make-out session.

"Yes. I'm ready," Spencer said, connecting their lips once again.

Toby picked her up from their spot on the couch and carried her all the way up the stairs and to her bedroom. The only times their lips parted was when they had to come up for air. Toby carefully laid Spencer down on the bed, then proceeding to help her take her jeans off. Spencer took off Toby's shirt, then every other piece of their clothing.

"I love you," Toby said as he kissed Spencer for the millionth time.

Their bodies were connected in the most intimate way possible, yet they both felt so comfortable. Everything was perfect, and they both knew it.


That afternoon, as he watched Spencer finish some schoolwork, Toby felt pressured to ask her about their relationship. He loved her, there was no doubt about that. He said it to her multiple times since they kissed, but she never said it back. He was scared that he stayed in Connecticut for nothing, or that Spencer was only interested in a one-time hookup.

"When are you going to pick up Isaac?" Toby asked, trying to make conversation and avoid an awkward silence between them.

"In a few hours," Spencer said as she finished some work involving physics, something Toby never bothered to understand.

He couldn't help but notice the way they were sitting. When they are dating and she was working on something, she'd let him put his arm around her as she'd work. Now, they both sat awkwardly on the couch, practically avoiding eye contact. She was an uncomfortable two feet away from him, out of arms reach.

"What is this? What are we doing?" Toby finally asked. He hated to be like this, but he needed to know if she felt the same way.

"What do you mean?" Spencer asked, not bothering to look up from her work.

"We just had sex, Spencer, and since then you haven't let me kiss you, or even touch you. I just gave up moving across the country for you, and you've barely acknowledged me since I came here. I told you that I love you, and you haven't said it back,"

Spencer stared at her work, embarrassed. She wasn't trying to lead him on; she loved him, too. But she wasn't worrying about herself anymore. She had a son to think about, and a degree she was about to earn.

"Toby, I'm in a very weird place right now. I can't just drop everything and focus on us," Spencer admitted.

Toby nodded. "Spence I know, and I'm not asking you to. I just want to know if you feel the same way,"

Spencer showed a small smile. "I do. But you should know that I won't be as invested in our relationship as I want to be. I'm about to get my bachelor's, and-"

Toby leaned in and kissed her, cutting her off. "As long as I have you, everything will be perfect." He told her. He truly meant it, and he had no plans on letting her go.

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