My Beloved Knight

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If something here doesn't match the prequel idgaf ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

On that jolly note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND HAPPY CRUSH A CAN DAY to the person I hate more than anything in this world. This is for chu Klainesings


Several short snorts came from the snow-white horse tied up to the tree, a sign of its ever growing impatience.

"If only you did not have to leave at this dark hour. My thoughts will be of you in the coming days. Farewell, my love, until we meet again."

Lips touched for perhaps the last time in many days and the lord stole a last glance of his knight riding away into the distance before turning away himself. His lady was waiting at the manor and he could not risk being suspicious by returning late.

Arriving at the grand doors of the Anderson Manor, the lord asked himself if all of this was worth it. He thought he loved Lady Rachel but how could he if he sought such feelings from a knight?

Thinking of the knight cemented his answer. It was worth it. It was all worth it if he got to spend all the possible time with Knight Hummel, riding together and sitting guard by the bridge. Awing at sunsets and sneaking kisses. It was a forbidden love story.

A specific set of soft, pink lips were taking over his thoughts as he heard a servant hurry her way down the spiral staircase. "Bla- excuse me, milord. Lord Anderson, Lady Rachel has been worried sick about you."

At this, Blaine quirked up one bushy, triangular eyebrow, amazed at how oblivious some could be to their insensitive statements. If Rachel was worried sick then that meant she was normal.

Bedridden for weeks on end, Lady Anderson was a rare case where nobody knew what was wrong with her. Low temperatures, fits of shivers, lack of appetite. There was no heard of cure for whatever she had.

Blaine couldn't help but drift to thoughts of his male lover as he ascended the stairs to his and Lady Rachel's shared bedroom. Tapestries hung on the walls and beautiful murals covered a fair portion of the remaining space, work done by professionals with paint made of only the finest ingredients.

He thought. He thought guilty thoughts. If Lady Anderson were to die sooner rather than later, he could introduce Knight Hummel to the manor and they could start a life without sneaking around. Or perhaps they could live in the knight's abode. Or live a life of travelling with the horses. Or...

A cough disturbed his mind's wanderings. There sat his wife and faithful partner of oh too many years, frail body covered by colourful fabric and forehead burning red.

In courtesy of not having her strain her voice for speech, Blaine simply kissed her forehead and adjusted her pillows to give her more comfort. It was hard acting like he was still in love with her when he truly was not and even harder to not leave her right there and run off to his knight. Perhaps in a different world, one of fewer hierarchy rules and more freedom he would do so.

A different world was what he'd longed for ever since he met the wonderful Kurt Hummel, his literal knight in shining armour.

But he was stuck in this world, this lifetime.

Just then, his most faithful servant appeared by his side. She was the only one allowed in his private study, the one which they were walking to now.

"Are you alright, milord? You seem rather distant," she spoke carefully.

"I don't love her anymore. I don't think I ever did," he choked out. "I don't know what to do, Abi."

Her words were soft and caring, forgiving him in advance for whatever he would say next, "So is it serious between you and the knight?"

"Wh-what? I-I never spoke of any knight."

"You think I didn't know? You're hopelessly in love and it's clearly not with milady. But don't be afraid. Nobody else knows and you can trust me."

"How are you so forgiving? I betrayed my own wife, with a man no less."

Abi shrugged, "I may or may not admire Ellyn more than people think."

Blaine laughed, "Us fools. In love with those we can't have." They were now sitting right next to each other, her giving him comfort he would not have sought out from his wife, even though they were really good friends. It just felt wrong in a way.

"But you can have him."


She would have spoken again were it not for Ellyn, another servant of theirs (he thought they had too many but Rachel insisted), who came barging through the doors. "Come quick, milord. Lady Anderson is presumed dead."

Abi's slight blush faded as she heard the news, opting for walking as quickly as she could to the lady's bedroom. Blaine followed behind her as his head starting spinning slightly.

As feared, she had no heartbeat. No breath, nothing. She was already cold from sickness but her temperature seemed to have worsened.

Tears stung in his eyes as he looked at the lifeless body of his best friend. He may not have loved her like he should have, but her loss was a great one, not only to the community but also to Blaine.

He must have been sitting by her side for hours with no intent of leaving when Abi came back from wherever she went when she wasn't needed. She spoke softly as if a high volume could shatter Blaine. Maybe it could. "There's someone outside who wishes to see you."

"Tell them to go away. I am grieving."

"He would like to grieve with you. Shall I let him in?"

"Who is it?"

"Light brown hair, blue eyes-"

"Let him in."

"I thought you'd say so, my lord."

Blaine moved down the stairs and towards the manor's double wooden doors where his knight stood.

"Greetings, my lord," Kurt bowed down, a gesture Blaine hated wholeheartedly but tolerated for secret's sake. "Is it true? Milady has passed?"

The lord bowed his head and nodded.

"Fresh air?" Blaine nodded again and turned to Abi for a moment. She mouthed an "I'll take care of everything" to him and he thanked her with his eyes, turning back to follow his lover.

As soon as they were out of sight, hidden behind the tree trunk that seemed to be meters and meters in diameter, they embraced and Blaine pulled Kurt in for a kiss. It was sweet but strong, soft and gentle but full of emotion. It was everything they wanted and needed.

The lord broke away first. "I grieve for my passed wife while I kiss my lover."

"You state the facts. State what you feel."

"It should feel wrong but it feels so right."

"Run away with me," the knight said.

"I'd go anywhere with you."


The two men never came back to the manor and Abi never expected them to. The parting was such sweet sorrow, losing a friend but knowing he'd be happy forevermore. She stayed a servant for years to come but she was content, always slightly more optimistic.

Blaine and Kurt could be anywhere right now. They could be outside at the tree Blaine walked into, or at the cottage they ran away to. They could be holding hands while walking through a meadow.

What they were actually doing was sitting at the lake. The evening light that reflected off the water cast a lovely glow around the place and Blaine leaned into Kurt's side a little more.

"It's beautiful," Kurt whispered in awe as the glow turned into more of an orange hue.

"You're beautiful."

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