Chapter Three

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this is kind of a filler, but kind of important in it's own way I guess....

remember let me know what ya think :-)  


Baltimore was nice, well their airport was nice. Erika and Codi had been in the city for the whole sum of twenty minutes and so far the airport is the only thing they had the pleasure of seeing. Had she been here for other reasons, Erika was sure she'd love the city. Walking through the airport toward the arrivals area with Codi and their luggage, she took in the sights of other people hurrying around. Some were coming and some were going, it was odd but the families with young children seemed to stand out the most to her.

Some of the families had two parents, others only had one. Some were a little more frazzled than others, but that was human nature. Pulling her florescent yellow suitcase along, Erika sighed and began staring at her feet as she walked. Seeing these people and their children made her wonder, how many of them had been in her situation? How many of them were adopted? How many had step-parents? Step-parents, Erika scoffed, she knew about them all too well. Her step mothers were whacked out of their trees. Yes, mothers. Her mom decided to become a lesbian and her dad, well his new wife was more like an older sister in terms of age.

No matter what Zack thought, Erika was making up her mind right now, on the spot not to turn out like her mother and father! That was the last thing anybody wanted or needed. The mere idea of telling her parents she was pregnant made Erika want to puke. If she didn't have to tell them, she never would. Maybe Zack felt the same way about his? Erika didn't know much about Zack or his family, Codi said they seemed to be normal people. This gave Erika a bit more hope.

"What's going on, I see that squirrel running on his treadmill." Codi said stopping for a second slightly ahead of Erika.

Bumping into Codi's equally bright green suitcase, Erika made an "oomph" sound and stopped to look at her friend.

"Well?" Codi prompted letting go of her suitcase and folding her arms over her chest.

"Nothing, just thinking about how this is all going to go is all." Erika replied quietly. "It's just a lot to take in."

Codi nodded.

Erika had been Codi's best friend since pre-school; they had been through a ton of things together but nothing like this. Codi wasn't even going to pretend that she had any idea of what Erika was dealing with. All she could do was offer a shoulder and hope that things worked out for the best.

"Thank you for coming here and keeping your fangirling under check." Erika smiled hugging her best friend as hard as she could. She just really needed a hug right now.

"Oh please, I am freaking out like a two year old on a sugar high and Jack Barakat seeing the Home Alone house on the inside." Codi giggled hugging Erika back. "But, you needed me so I can fake it. Plus I haven't actually seen any of them yet. It may change."

Both giggled at that.

"Please, don't." Erika pleaded with a fake pout before smiling and laughing. "Oh. My. God!" Erika gushed out in panic.

"What? What's wrong?" Codi asked urgently grabbing Erika's arm to make sure she was okay.

"It's Zack!" Erika hissed pointing to the tall, well built guy a few feet away.

He looked bored waiting. Alex had specifically said he would pick them up when the plane came in and then once Erika was settled, he'd make sure she got to talk to Zack. Right now he was the last person Erika wanted to see. Seeing him and the fact he hadn't noticed them yet, Erika bit her bottom lip nervously. Her head was throbbing with all the tension and anxiety that was running through her right now.

As nervous as she was about seeing Zack, she was also a little excited. Oh lord, was that boy ever gorgeous. Of course he was and that was exactly what got her into this mess. Shy, charming, witty, funny, well built, sly, gorgeous, dark haired, tanned, gentle...Erika was sure there were more words for him. If she asked Codi she'd probably help make the list, but right now wasn't the time or place. Erika gulped slightly and tightened her grip on her suitcase handle, like it would anchor her to the spot where she stood prolonging the meeting.

If she and Codi made a list of things to describe Zack, it would certainly take longer before Erika had to face him. Maybe that list wasn't so bad? A scared whimper rattled through Erika as she stood still frozen hoping that maybe, just maybe time would stop. Sadly, that didn't happen.

"Maybe he is with Alex." Codi said trying to be positive.

"What do I do? It's not like I can just walk up and be like "Hey Zack, remember me? Yeah well surprise, you got me pregnant!" Oh fuck me." Erika groaned, face palming herself.

"Um, no and he already has....clearly!" Codi quipped with a small giggle. "Eri, come on it won't be that bad. Just play it cool with him and talk when you're ready to talk." She encouraged her friend, grabbing Erika's hand she marched straight for Zack Merrick.

As they drew closer, Erika could hear each step they took echoing on the floor of the massive airport. Sucking in a breath, she slowly tried to calm herself as Codi let go of her arm, stopping just inches away from where Zack stood.

Zack smirked seeing the two girls approach. He remembered now, it was the legs. Man, she was quite the girl. Her friend was pretty cute too. Zack didn't really go for the typical blond, but she had that girl next door quality and it was hot. Turning himself back to reality, he smiled.

"How was the flight?"

"It was great." Codi answered. "I'm Codi, by the way."

Faintly she could hear Codi and Zack making introductions to one another. It had suddenly hit Erika that because of her, Zack had been MIA and Codi never did get to meet him. Pity. Well she'd make up for it now.

"Hey, where's Alex." Erika asked the second she realized both Codi and Zack were staring at her, waiting for her to speak.

"Hey, where's Alex? No, hey Zack! How are you? What have you been up to? My you look good." He joked casually.

Play his cards right and Zack was sure he could get a repeat performance of what he'd had a few months ago.

"Sorry, Zack." Erika blushed. "Alex had said he was picking us up. I just hope he isn't sick or something."

"Nope, he had to run some errands so he sent me. It was me or Rian, since I know you it was easier if I filled in." Zack answered taking their suitcases from them and rolling them toward the exit.

"Oh, so where are we going?" Erika asked walking along side him.

"Alex's house." Zack answered walking toward a sleek black BMW and unlocking it with the automatic car remote. "You guys can go ahead and get in, I'll just put these in the back." He said opening the trunk.

"Um, will it just be us at Alex's?" she asked nervously still standing next to the car. It was Alex's house, but Erika really didn't feel like seeing any more people today.

"Nah, I can hang out until he gets home if you want." Zack offered.

Codi glanced at Erika who gave her a look that clearly pleaded with her best friend to send Zack away the first chance they got. Rolling her eyes, Codi opened the passenger's door as Zack closed the trunk.

"Sure, if you're not busy that'd be awesome." Codi nodded with a smile, slipping into the back seat letting Erika sit in the front.

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