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He's going to live in the city for 2 weeks.

When they all gathered around Donghoon with huge puppy eyes, the man eventually gave in. Who wouldn't anyway?

Jimin is so excited he can barely breathe with his heart thumping crazily against his rib cage. He couldn't even sit still. Giddily, he makes his way out of his room into the living.

"Yes, oppa. I'll go straight to your place after arriving." Right after Taehee spoke, a slightly robotic voice responds.

"Don't come if you're tired, Taehee-yah. It's totally fine." Jimin is so sure that he had never heard the voice before, and yet, it sounded so awfully familiar. Curious, he moves closer to the couch where Taehee sat on and observes from behind.

Why is she talking to a TV? He thinks to himself as he stares at the device on her lap. Jin from the other side notices. He was a little confused by the boy's presence, but then he remembers Taehee telling him about the boy living with Namjoon's father.

The fox who turned human.

"Uh... Taehee-yah, someone's behind you." He says, pointing his finger at his webcam.

"Oh! Jimin! Come, sit here." She beams, quite excited as she pats on the spot beside her. Jimin smiles awkwardly and hesitantly moves to sit next to the girl.

"Jimin-ah, look here. This is Jin, my friend. Oppa, this is the Jimin I told you about." She points at the screen as she spoke. Jimin squints his eyes at the man on the screen, still confused as to why Taehee is speaking to the TV.

"Hello, Jimin. Taehee told me about you. I'm looking forward to meeting you in a week." Jin says with a warm smile. However, a crooked one found its way onto Jimin's face as he continues staring at the man before shifting his gaze onto Taehee, who's looking at him expectantly.

"Um, Taehee, why are you talking to the TV?" He asks, his tone showing how timid he is. Taehee looks at him, confused, before letting out a small chuckle at how clueless he is after figuring out what he meant.


"This, Jimin, is not a TV. We call this a laptop, and we can use it to contact someone far away like this." She explains.

"Like a phone?"

"Yes, like a phone." She laughs. He smiles shyly in return, his ears red from embarrassment. They both only turn to look at the neglected man on the screen when he clears his throat.

"I'm glad Jimin learned something new today, but it's rather rude to not acknowledge my presence."

"Ah, sorry oppa! I guess we'll see you next week then. I gotta go for now. Promised Tae and Kookie oppa that I'll be baking a cake."

"Mm, okay then. Come back safely!" The man says with a grin and ends the call. He sighs and leans back against his chair before smiling at himself.

"Park Jimin... He's cute. Can't wait to spoil the kid."


While the others are still busy enjoying their share of the butter cake, Jimin sits with them and silently watches with joy. He also laughed along with them at times. Seeing how well Jimin blended in with the maknaes definitely made Taehee feel relieved. The boy had always been shy, and she's happy that he is willing to open up to new people. After cleaning up, she smiles at Jungkook before leaving to the living room.

While making her way to the huge comfy couch, she stops midway beside the marble black piano, noticing how it's shiny and dust-free.

Abeoji has really been taking good care of the house.

She smiles to herself while she sits onto the familiar slightly worn out stool and places her fingers onto the black and white keys.

"You have no idea! Jin hyung was so mad, he made Namjoon hyung clean all the bathrooms in the house!" Taehyung says with a laugh while Namjoon grumbles.

"Ahh... that's no wonder. It's Jin hyung's Mario figurine we're talking about here." Hoseok grins. Jimin laughs with them too. That's until he heard a familiar sound that triggers a new emotion in him. With a frown, he follows the music.

When his eyes land on Taehee's reveled form, they slightly widen. As he stares and listens longer, a pang of headache shot through him.

"This must be your first time listening to a piano. Here, you make sounds like this."

She holds onto his paw and places it on a C key, creating a simple 'Doe' sound. Hearing the sound, the fox couldn't help but to excitedly wag his tail. After the first key, he continuously pressed on the other keys. From the middle C to the B. It was all very simple sounds, but he found it extremely captivating.

Soon after, he turned his head back to Taehee, wanting her to play. And she did. He watched as her slim fingers dance around the black and white keys. The way they twisted and turned, the way they collided with each other to press on the right keys,

That was the first time ever in his entire life;

He wished he was human.

Continuously blinking his eyes, he shifts his gaze onto Taehee again. And then, everything finally made sense. Why he kept getting random pieces of memories that don't seem to be his. Why everything felt so familiar, and yet he couldn't wrap his head around it. Why he feels a special affection for Taehee even though he was so sure he had never met her before.

Was I really... the fox all along?

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