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With a dizzy feeling, Taehee wakes up to a familiar white ceiling. Groaning, she sits up and rubs her tired eyes while slowly taking in her surroundings.

The living room? How did I get here?

"Finally awake, sleepy head?" Yoongi, who has a mug in his hand, walks in as he takes a sip of his drink.

Says you.

"How... did I get here? I thought I was..." She frowns, "Wasn't I at the park with-"

"Jimin carried you all the way back last night." Yoongi interrupts, "Heard you fell asleep on that swing." and finishes with a nonchalant shrug. It took 5 whole seconds for the information to fully sink in.

Jimin carried me all the way back?!

"Oh, by the way. He also mentioned that the necklace is a gift for you." Yoongi juts his chin at her neck and lazily strolls back into his room, leaving her confused as her hand moves to where he pointed. Then, she felt something cold. 

Hung on her neck is a small, silver fox pendant with little diamond eyes. By the looks of it, it probably costs a lot too. Sighing to herself, she moves to get herself cleaned up before leaving the house.


"Oh, Taehee-yah, what brings you here?" Jin's voice caught Jimin's attention, who's currently brewing a cup of coffee for his customer. He looks up to the door to see Taehee who dressed up warm, making her way over to the counter.

"I need to talk to Jimin." She says, her gaze shifts and lands on Jimin. The said boy smiles at her and mouths, "Just a moment." Jin ushers her over to a window seat, takes her order, and rushes back to Jimin, reassuring him that he'll take his place.

Jimin wipes his hands on the black apron tied to his waist and thanks Jin, not wasting any time to make his way over to the girl.

"Hey, sorry about that."

"Ah No, I'm sorry I came to bother you at your working hour." Jimin grins and shakes his head.

If so, please do come over and bother me every day.

"Jiminie, I have a question." Jimin smiles at the nickname, urging her to go on.

"How did you get this?" She asks with a small voice, her fingers subconsciously move to touch the smooth silver material hung on her neck. Jimin smiles proudly to himself,

"I got my paycheck yesterday." He chimes and Taehee frowns a little at him.

"You shouldn't spend your money on me like that, Jimin."

"Oh, but I want to, Taehee-yah." Taehee purses her lips. Is it bad that he made her heart race at times like this? She closes her eyes and sighs, pursing her lips which later forms a small smile.

"Thank you, Jimin."

Jimin rests his chin on his folded arms on the table and stares up at her. The girl stared right back into his eyes, but Jin can clearly see sadness and confusion in hers from where he stood. Of course, she isn't completely over her and Jungkook's break up. But clearly, she has a thing for Jimin. Be it love or just temporal attraction.

"Must've been hard for you," Jin mumbles, 

"But you'll have to make a choice, Taehee-yah."


Yoongi frowns at the sight of Jungkook's lonely silhouette at his apartment balcony. After leaving the bag of food he bought under Jin's instructions -a nicer word for orders-, he makes his way over to the younger boy.

"Jungkook-ah, what are you doing out here? It's cold." Yoongi takes his place beside Jungkook, who instead of answering, only stared ahead at moving vehicles and building lights.


"Yoongi hyung, are you actually worried about me right now?" The boy laughs bitterly, his head naturally lowering a little. Under normal circumstances, Yoongi could've slapped him on the back of his head, denying everything. But now, he notices the dried tears on Jungkook's cheeks; new ones already forming in the boy's eyes.

"Kookie..." Jungkook continues chuckling bitterly to himself. Chuckling, until it gradually turns into silent sobs. He isn't even embarrassed about shedding his tears anymore. Who cares if he's the golden maknae? He's a human too, and he can only take so much pain.

"Hyung, I made this choice. I wanted to let her go. I chose to do this... but why does it hurt so much? W-why is it so painful to-" His words are cut off by his own sobbing. Yoongi's expression changes into a look of sympathy at his dongsaeng's current state. He's certain he has never seen the boy so low. He wraps an arm around the younger and pats him gently on his back,

"Jungkookie, what do you really want?" Jungkook looks up at him. His eyes red and tired as he answers without hesitation,

"I want her to be happy." Yoongi smiles a little at him then,

"Are you sure she'll be happy with Jimin?"

"Yes, hyung. I do." And then, the older boy chuckles,

"So love does make people stupid."

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