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Jin was explaining to Jimin about how the human world actually works when Donghoon suddenly barged in through the door, startling the two and the rest of the boys who were fooling around. And that's how eventually, the seven all stood in a line before the man with their heads hung low.

"You were out of my sight for one week and this happens, huh?" Donghoon has a frown on his face as he stood before the boys. The man huffs in dissatisfaction and rubs his forehead as he eyes them.

These guys. Seriously.

"Well, at least now you know the truth. How are you holding up with it?"

"A-ah, It's good to know." Sighing, the old man steps ahead and holds onto Jimin's shoulders, making him look up with his eyes wide.

"Now that you know the truth, you won't overthink and exhaust yourself again, right?" Jimin was slightly hesitant as he thought about Taehee. But then, as Yoongi's words sink into his mind, he grins.

He has decided. He decided to go all out for her.

Giving his father a reassuring nod, he moves forward a little and hugs the man.

"Thank you, appa. Thank you so much." His actions startled the man a little, but eventually, he chuckles and replicates the boy's action. Deep down in his heart, he is glad that he had taken the boy as his own. The other boys stood and watched in awe. Especially Namjoon, who couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear.

For the rest of the afternoon, the group of seven gathered around Jimin as they laughed and talked about the times when he was still a fox.

"Alright boys, it's getting late. You guys should go get some rest now!" Donghoon says with a clap of his hand once he realizes that it's already 6:30 in the evening. There are a few groans and some sighs of relief. However, before they could get up and leave, the man stopped their movements with a loud 'Ah'.

"I almost forgot! Jimin-ah, you'll be discharged tomorrow, right?" He asks and Jimin, with a smile, nods excitedly.

"You'll have to stay with your hyungs for the meantime then! I'm leaving to Busan tomorrow morning."

"REALLY?!" Taehyung and Hoseok shot up from their chairs. When the man nods with a small laugh, they eventually start jumping around like little kids while Yoongi groans in annoyance and Jin shakes his head with a smile.

"Alright, alright, calm down now, kids! You gotta promise me that you'll take care of each other!" 

"Promise!" The two shouts out in unison, their eyes evidently twinkling in excitement. Jin rubs his forehead as he eyes Taehyung who was already drooling a little -probably imagining himself and Jimin playing tag in the house-

Why do I have a bad feeling about this...


Jin has his left eye twitching as he drops everything he was holding and gapes at the scene before him.

The kitchen is in total chaos. 

Hoseok and Taehyung are running around like headless chickens while screaming, Namjoon and Jimin are there trying to put out the roaring fire that they had somehow managed to start, and Jungkook is on his phone, probably calling for help.

"Yah! What is going on in here?!" Everyone literally froze on their spot as they all turn to look at the now fuming male. He says nothing as he moves to cover the pot with its cover and turns to glare at the dumbfounded five.

"I was gone for half an hour!" He yells and rests his hands on his hips with a huff. Immediately, the five got on their knees and lower their heads.

"I knew this is going to happen." Jin sighs and looks around the now messed up kitchen which he had used almost two hours to clean just a day ago. Things are never good when Taehyung and Hoseok go all hyper at the same time, and Namjoon's presence is not helping at all. 

Just then, Yoongi walks out of his room as he stretches his arms lazily. While scratching his head, he was about to walk into the kitchen to soothe his dry throat when his eyes land on the five on the ground, giving him petrified looks and Jin who was already glaring at him with a look that could kill.

"What?" He only questions blankly as if the situation itself didn't affect him one bit.

Maybe, it really didn't. 

"What? You're asking me, 'what'? I told you to watch other them!" Jin is beyond mad at this point as the others can tell by how he threw his hands up and has his right leg continuously bouncing against the wooden floor.

The kneeling five gulps while they quietly watch as Yoongi nonchalantly shrugs and shuffles over to the water dispenser with a hand in his pocket while the other ruffles his messy bed hair.

"Oh my god, Yoongi hyung, you idiot." Namjoon mumbles to himself with his eyes glued to the raven-haired male, drinking his water without a care in the world.  In contrast to Namjoon, Jimin couldn't stop staring at Jin who looked like he's about to explode as he glares at Yoongi. 

"Hyung..." The boy had somehow managed to croak out and successfully gaining the older's attention.

"We're really really really sorry that we messed up the kitchen. We promise this won't ever happen again. Please forgive us!" Jin's ice cold glare is -almost instantly- melted into a soft look when Jimin stood back up and bowed, the others following suit. The oldest sighs and pinches his nose bridge. 

He doesn't think that he'll ever be able to say no to Jimin's puppy eyes.

"Alright, alright. I'll let you off the hook this time. But NEXT TIME, you won't be able to get out of it so easily." He says and glares at everyone in the room. Except for Jimin. He smiled at the boy instead.

"Now, go clean up the mess you made, kids! I'm going to rest for a bit. You guys are killing my brain cells!" He says and flips his hair coolly, later grabbing Yoongi's collar and dragging the unwilling male into their shared bedroom.

As soon as the door to their room is closed, the boys all heave big sighs of relief in sync.

"Yah... That was scary." Hoseok chuckles dryly with his palm rested on his chest to calm down his still wildly beating heart.

"We should start cleaning now if we want to finish before dinner." Namjoon sighs and leaves to grab all the cleansing necessities. While the others are still in a daze over what just happened, a huge grin forms on Taehyung's face.

"So Jiminie is Jin hyung's weakness. That means I don't have to worry about getting into trouble with him by my side twenty-four seven!" 

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