Nozomi x Eli

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The sun was rising as Eli made her way to school on the usual route--the melting heat was typical Tokyo summer weather. Tall trees lined the paved sidewalk, providing temporary shelter from the blazing sun.

Eli felt a familiar weary sensation as she remembered her beautiful purple-haired classmate and her inexplicable feelings for her. But today would just be another day, right?

Breaking into a skip and slinging her school bag over her shoulder, Eli walked through the front doors. A wave of cool air hit her in the face and Eli sighed in relief. Despite how small and low-budget the school was, at least AC was prioritized.

She slid her shoes off and grabbed a pair of slippers. Her schoolbag fell on the floor with a thunk before she could reach into the cabinet. Bending over, Eli's skirt ruffled upwards in a single motion.

Nozomi walked in. Her long, purple hair swished like the wind as she caught Eli's gaze. Turning beet-red in horror, Eli quickly slapped her skirt down, touching her privates in a sexy manner.

"I'm sorry," apologized Eli, not quite meeting Nozomi's gaze. Nozomi pinched her lips together and laced her fingers around Eli's. Grabbing her hand she dashed up several flights of stairs, leading the two onto the roof.

The heat was crippling. Nozomi turned around to Eli, staring wide-eyed at her. The two exchanged glances for a brief moment before Nozomi thrust her arms behind Eli and pushed her into the wall. Eli moaned in shock shaking from terror and excitement. Nozomi swallowed while sweat and tears slid down her cheek--all before making out the three words: I love you.

Eli let out another moan before gasping into tears. This was what she wanted. This was the girl who kept her awake at night, the girl who occupied her thoughts, the girl she orgasmed to. She smiled at the girl across from her and sniffled.

Nozomi slipped her hand down Eli's school uniform, bringing her bra down. The patterned laces met her fingertips before the cups slid off. She grabbed Eli's breasts and leaned forward in a swift motion, touching her lips.

Eli reciprocated, sliding her tongue between Nozomi's lips. Warm saliva flowed between the two mouths as if to evidence their love for each other. The saliva dripped onto the concrete floor, along with beads of sweat from the late-morning heat. Eli gazed past Nozomi and saw the heat waves in the distance. Her view was hazy. She closed her eyes and reopened them, focusing on Nozomi's eyes.

Nozomi giggled, reaching one hand down below. She felt her skirt and gently clasped her fingers around Eli's ass.

"ahhhh!" Eli moaned for the third time. A wet, sticky liquid seeped through her underwear onto the floor. She quickly thrust her hands between her legs in embarrassment, staring at the white drops on the floor.

Nozomi wrapped her arm around Eli's upper back, comforting the younger girl. She reached her other hand to where Eli's was under her skirt. She caressed her hand gently before completely pulling the skirt down.

The dark blue skirt fell onto the ground around Eli's legs, leaving her stark-naked except underwear.

Eli grabbed Nozomi's shirt, undoing each button in rapid succession. She tore her bra off  and unzipped her skirt.

Crouching down, Nozomi removed Eli's light-purple underwear. White-yellow liquid melted onto the floor of the roof as Nozomi pressed her face against Eli.

The schoolbell rang--class had started. Nozomi stood up in horror, quickly buttoning her uniform. She tugged the white-stained skirt on, before reaching to help Eli with her bra.

The two shared a rushed moment of eye contact before Nozomi grabbed her schoolbag.

"Meet me at the park tonight under the full moon," was all the purple-haired girl said. She dashed into the building in a flurry, leaving Eli love-sick and dazed.

Tsugi ga kirei, desu ne?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2017 ⏰

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