;cold cash divine

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i watched his body bounce into glory from afar, of course i could never approach him, with so many strings of hesitation being ever so present and prominent in my mind.
all i knew was he glistened in all his glory as bright as cocaine, i imagined his scent to be a mixture of narcotics, old spice and star dust but that's just my imagination filling in the cracks of his character from my lack of knowledge towards him, purely due to the fact that fear creates an invisible border between us which separates our two auras.
he was always here, his eyes glazed with 4am tiredness but his lust for nature always promulgated.
he was always staring at trees and flowers and birds as if they would all connect in the constellation of a virgo or a leo or even a pisces.
and i was always here, in daytona park, for two reasons, either to float away from the abuse of my own mind colliding with my home,social and school life or simply just to dislocate my thoughts within the view of this male.
hopefully, one day, the universe will give me that one shove into his arms, and he'll embrace me with all his animal strength and he'll look at me with his sun eyes and say "anima vesta" and he'll take my soul within his.
i doubt, he's too wrapped within the stomata of plants to even give me a cliche glance or eye me weirdly.
he looked like a thousand violins and harps playing at 3am, the devil's hour while everyone is hopping off in mini canoes leaving a sinking ship.
he makes my words come out in reverse, or my thoughts at least, he makes me bend over backwards, or my thoughts at least.


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