Attending as of today

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“Ow, ow, ow.” I groaned as I sat up. Rubbing my butt I slowly opened my eyes. Did that really just happen? Scanning my surroundings I saw that I was sitting in a forest. Tall trees that I couldn’t place billowed above me. There green leaves blowing in the light breeze. Looking through the brush I saw that there were white buildings in the distance. Getting to my feet and brushing myself off I noticed that I was wearing a red plaid skirt and a plain white top. What the heck? Setting off toward the buildings I decided not to think about how I got changed into these cloths. Coming into the clearing out of the forest I realized that I was on what looked like the grounds of a large school.

“What is going on?” I asked myself, calmly looking around the place. I saw something flicker in the corner of my eye and turned to look at it. A figure was walking towards me. I took an unsure step back, not knowing what to do. Without thinking I jumped into a nearby bush, trying to hide.

“Aw,” a voice said, sounding disappointed. “I could have sworn I saw a cute girl over here.” I perked up when I realized that the voice sounded oddly familiar. Popping my head out I came face to face with a smiling Italy.

“Gah!” I yelled, scooting back in surprise.

“Ve~! I knew I saw someone!” He said cheerfully, clapping his hands together in delight.

“I-Italy?” I squealed in surprise.

“You know me?” He asked curiously. I nodded my head vigorously. He smiled widely, offering me his hand.  

“And who are you bella?” I reached out a shaking hand and took his.

“I, um, uh…” Lie. “Washington.” I wanted to smack myself really hard across the face. He gave me a confused look as he pulled me up.

“Isn’t that one of America’s states?”

“Y-Yeah…” I trailed off at the end, averting my eyes to look at the ground.

“I didn’t know he- EP!” He squealed when I reached my hand out and grabbed at his curl, pulling on it. I stumbled back slightly in surprise as Italy feel to his knees, clutching his crotch.

“What did I just do?!” I screamed at myself. “I panicked. I panicked, okay?! I’m sorry!” I apologized to Italy before I ran off away from him.

“The heck is going on?!” I chanted to myself as I raced away to God knows where. Running behind one of the buildings I came to a halt. Resting with my hands on my knees I started breathing heavily.

“Okay,” I started talking to myself again. “A man started talking to me when I clicked on a weird link. I think I got sucked into the ground after he said something about being accepted into Hetalia Academy. Now I’m wearing the Gakuen Hetalia uniform and just met Italy. Italy!” I stared at the ground with wide eyes before cracking up into hysterical laughter. “I’m dreaming. That’s it. I’m just dreaming.” I feel to the ground still laughing. I clutched my stomach as it started to ache from so much psychotic laughter. Suddenly I heard the sound of a gun being loaded. “If that’s Switzerland…” I trailed off as I slowly looked up to see a gun being held to my head.

“Who are you? How do you know me?” He demanded, obviously signaling that I was correct. This was a dream right? So I couldn’t die even if he shot me. Sitting up I tried to move the gun away from my head. It wouldn’t budge so I tried harder. I finally gave up in defeat.

“Switzy, you’re making me feel uncomfortable holding a gun to my head.” I sighed, looking the country in the eye.

“Answer my questions.” He growled.

“Oh come on,” I whined. “Can’t you at least be nice in my dreams? I know you’re constantly PMSing but, please!” He pushed the gun further into my forehead. How come I could feel pain if this was a dream?

“What did you just say?!” He roared, and the next thing I knew I was falling into blackness once again.

“Stupid passing out,” I groaned as I swam into consciousness for the second time that day. “If this is like a video game where I have to restart I’m never going to win.”

“Well you’re lucky this isn’t a game, dude.” I immediately opened my eyes and wildly looked at the speaker.

“Oh hell no.” I whispered.

“Oh hell yes!” America cheered, fist pumping. I let out a loud sigh.

“I am so luck I’m not the type to panic.”

“Italy would beg to differ.” I looked over to see where the new voice was coming from. It was the man from before, Celleb Roberts or whatever his name was. I still couldn’t believe he had white hair. I blushed slightly.

“He-Hey. That was a one-time thing. My hand just kinda slipped.” I scratched my cheek shyly. America only laughed. “S-So, someone want to explain?” I asked, looking between the two.

“Well,” Celleb started, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’ve been looking for someone who could help out at Hetalia Academy,” I looked up at him curiously. “And you were picked.”

“R-Really?” I asked bewildered.

“Well, really it was quiet random, just the first person to click on the link.” He explained.

“But dude, you get to go to school with me!” America exclaimed, throwing his hands on the table. Did I mention I woke up sitting in a chair at a conference table? You’d think I’d be taken to the infirmary or something but nope. Thanks a bunch Switzerland.

“What!?” I said, pushing back my chair. I stood up and threw my hands on the table, imitating America’s actions. “For reals?!”

“Yeah dude!” He said excitedly. We both met each other in a high five. America laughed. “I like you dudette!” I blushed, not knowing what to say in response.

“Don’t you have any questions?” Celleb asked expectantly. I looked at him confused.

“Why would I? My dream has finally come true, why question it?” He sighed.

“It’s just that most people would have a panic attack. Demand what’s going on, how this is happening, if they can go home and such.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Don’t question the awesome,” I stared into Celleb’s eyes. “But I do have one question.” He smiled at me knowingly. “Um… Why do you need a human to go to Hetalia Academy?” I scratched the back of my head shyly.

“Well none of the countries know about you except for America,” He shot a quick glance at him and I did the same. “But after you claimed to be the state Washington we had to bring him into this. As of today you are known as Washington, America’s younger sister and here to help teach the countries about the things that countries cannot experience all locked up with one another.” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Like what?” He only smiled at me kindly.

“You’ll figure it out on the way,” I let a small annoyed groan escape from my lips. Celleb glanced out a window. “It seems that it’s getting late. It’s best if you two get some rest. First day of school tomorrow.” I looked between the two men.

“Where am I going to stay?” I asked curiously.

“With America of course.”

“Score one for the Hero!”

Teaching the Countries (A Hetalia fanfic) [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now