Chapter 13 ~ Annabeth

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Month skipping.... eight months now. Also I need help with the covers. And watch the lyric video above. I don't own the characters or the video, so yeah. Enjoy! (Oh, you know why Percy remembered Annabeth? His heart remembered her, not his brain. He meant enough to her that his heart couldn't forget his beloved.)

Annabeth woke up to see Percy's face above her own. She blinked the sleep out of her eyes and smiled.

"Good morning beautiful." Percy smiled.
"Morning." she yawned.

She looked around. They were still in a cell. Luke's guards were outside the door. She sighed, wishing to be free. There had to be a way out. 

Everyday, for four long weeks, Luke had kept them inside with food delivered daily. There wasn't even a mattress to sleep on. Annabeth's stomach was still growing, which was a good sign. She was excited to see the baby. In all honestly, she wanted it out. Annabeth glanced at the door. Only one guard was there. She wiggled out of Percy grasp and walked to the door.

"Is there any way out?" has asked the guard.
"Hmm?" The guard turned around, "your highness.."

Annabeth recognized him. It was one of the soldiers from Apollos, Austin.

"Please. Help us get out. Please." Annabeth pleaded.
"I-I.. your highness. I'm not allowed to help you."
"Fine. There's a brick near the back that can open a secret passageway. I suggest you find it and leave tonight. There's no other choice."
"Thank you. You're a life saver."

The guard nodded. Annabeth ran to Percy's side and started feeling the walls. Percy looked at her quizzically.

"Annabeth? What are you doing?"

She didn't answer, completely focused on her work. He tapped her shoulder. Annabeth's head jerked up in surprise.

"What?" she snapped.
"I'm asking what are you doing?"
"Trying to find a way out. Does that answer your question?"
"And how exactly are you finding a way out? One of these bricks will lead to an exit?"
"Yes, actually."

Percy started feeling the walls next to her also. Annabeth felt the cold, hard, crumbling stone under her hands. She looked at the stone for any signs of indentation or one of them looking different. Then she spotted a brick close to the floor. It was strangely smooth, and was slightly a little deeper in the wall.

"Percy. I found it."

He jogged over to her.

"That's great!"

Annabeth sat down, trying to find something so they could mark the stone. Percy looked at her questioningly.

"Uh, Annabeth. Why aren't you pushing the brick?"
"Because we are going to wait until nighttime. If we try now, we'll get caught."

She laid down and put her head on the hard stone. Annabeth didn't know what to think. They would be free soon. But if they went back, the kingdom would be in chaos. But that's why they had to go back. Their rulers together would be able to restore the kingdom to its former glory.

Sometime later, Luke knocked on the door.

"Oh your majesties!" he mocked the couple, "Your dinner is here."

Annabeth sneered, angry at being made fun of. She was a queen of Oceania, daughter of Athens, husband of King Perseus, leader of the people. She was not going to be mocked like this.

"Thank you for the dinner, Luke. But you are no longer needed. Leave it and go." she said in a commanding voice.
"As you wish."

He dropped their share of dinner today on the floor. Suddenly, a baby spider came out and crawled towards the food as Annabeth reached for it. She screamed.

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