Chapter 5

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My eyes blinked open, my head throbbed and my muscles ached. My whole body was in pain.
I was on a really comfortable bed, I don't own a bed where am I? All of a sudden, visions from last night taunted my brain. No no please god please say I was saved and he didn't.... I felt sick even thinking about it

I felt empty, embarrassed, ashamed. My soul was bleeding, screaming even. I needed a release, Eli? Mum? what are they doing I wondered.

I felt so violated, like my body wasn't my own anymore.

The middle of my legs held a certain soreness that can only be conformed by only one thing.  

"SHANIA" I familiar voice screamed, mum. Mum was here, thank god.

I heard frantic breathing and next thing I know my mums in the room and right next to me on the bed, wow for an old women she can move fast.  She was accompanied by the one and only Caden, who look at me with anguish in his eyes.

"I'll leave you to alone I'll be downstairs, if you need me." He said pain etched in his voice.

"Oh Shania,  Caden told me what he saw when he found you." Caden saved me" I'm so sorry Shania, I know these words won't change anything but I'm here."

I didn't say anything I couldn't speak, I just leaned into my mums shoulder and sobbed, I cried for my innocence, for my dignity. I cried for what seemed like hours, until my mum decided to speak again she whispered," you know Caden really beating him self up downstairs, he thinks it's all his fault and that he should have found you earlier."

The infamous bad boy, is beating him self up over me.
My mind raced with thoughts about what happened last night. My mind just wouldn't shut up visions plagued my mind. I was numb. Why am I so calm? Why can't I cry?  I feel so helpless. Will I ever be in control again. 

"Shania," my mum croaked I didn't realise she was crying. " would you like to come home? You can stay in my bed and I will sleep with Eli."

"No," came a voice from outside the door before it was fully open, and Caden came in to view he was wearing his signature black leather jacket with a white round neck t-shirt and his black skinny jeans. " I know how you all live and you can all stay here until all is better."

I wasn't sure what to say, this bed was really comfortable and at least my mum and Eli will have a nice bed. 

"Can I stay in this room" I managed to croak out, I really didn't care to be anywhere else apart from this bed at the moment. "Of course you can." Caden answered, thank god I get a comfortable bed.

"Are you sure your parents would be alright with that, Caden?" My mum asked

" I'm sure the house is so big for just the 3 of us, and I already informed them that you all would be staying." I could almost cry with happiness.


Short update, I promise next one is longer I've just been so busy with school and my real exams coming up just after Christmas but I can do this. Determination is key.

I'm sorry to say it wasn't a bad dream or nightmare but It needed to happen in order for my book to reach the plot I have intended.

Thank you lovelies,,,!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2018 ⏰

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