Chapter 9

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*Andrew's POV*

School felt like it was never ending. Trying to keep my mind focused, it always darted back to him. I hadn't seen Hunter all day. After the text he had sent me, I hadn't heard from him.

Zoey picked me up this morning and immediately started the conversation by asking how I was and if I had eaten yet. I giggled and we talked all the way to school. She even complemented me on my outfit of choice, which consisted of light wash jeans, a olive colored pull over sweater, and a pair of all black converse. It was starting to get colder outside so I decided to wear more layers than normal. Once we arrived at school, we hugged and went our seperate ways.

Now, back to the present. It was the period before lunch and I was wondering if Hunter was even here today. Maybe he didn't respond to my text because he thought it was weird? There was no way that was possible.

This morning's messages

Hunter's message
"Good morning"

Andrew's message
"Morning :)"

Thats was all that I said. And he never responded. Maybe the smiley face was too much? The bell rang and my heart jumped out of my chest. I wasn't paying attention and it caught me off guard. I was the last to exit the classroom. Zoey stood outside the classroom, waiting for me in her cute navy blue long sleeve dress, black leggings, black and white infinity scarf, and gray heeled low rise boots. This girl is too damn adorable. She wrapped her arm around mine and we made our way to the lunch room.

As always, we were the last of the few to walk into the cafeteria. On the way there, we picked up Cassidy and Zander. I was too scared to ask about Hunter so I just kept my mouth shut and listened to them talk.

"So, did you get into a lot of trouble?" Asked Zander, who's arms were around Zoey and Cassidy's shoulders.

"The cops didn't do anything other than ask us to be quiet, but by the time they left, everyone else had scattered." Said Cassidy, sighing.

"I'm sure there will be other chances in the future." I butted in. Cassidy looked at me and gave me an appreciative smile.

"Damn straight there are, and it's gonna be bigger and better than the last." Said Zander confidently. We all laughed and walked into the cafeteria. Once inside, my eyes searched for Hunter. He wouldn't just not show up without saying anything, right? Just as I was about to lose hope, my eyes locked on the man himself. To my surprise, his gaze was already on me. I felt my body heat up, feeling something similar to the feeling I had Friday night. His gaze pierced through me and I felt my insides turn to jelly. As we got closer and closer, the smirk on his face grew bigger and bigger.

"Hello everyone." Announced Zoey as we finally made it to the table. Zoey scanned everyone and locked eyes with Hunter.

She put her hands on the table and said with a frown, "Mr. Hunter, I tried texting you this morning and you didn't even have the audacity to text me back. Explain yourself."

Hunter sighed then chuckled, saying " My little sister spilled her orange juice all over it this morning. It's sitting at home right now. There were a lot of people I was 'suppose' to text." He looked at me when he said that last part. I blushed and looked down at my feet.

"Well, don't just stand there. Come sit down!" Zander announced to Zoey and I. He had already gotten his food and was sitting down next to Hunter.

Zoey sat down before me and made it evident where she wanted me to sit. Right next to Hunter. This is gonna be rough.

*Hunter's POV*

As soon as Zoey sat down, I knew what she had in mind. Andrew looked at her confused then to me. I took my hand and patted the seat next to me. His cheeks flushed and he sat down. Soon everyone got into their own little conversations and I was left with Andrew to myself. I looked over at him and smiled.

"Sorry about this morning. I was planning on texting you back, but you know..." I said, trailing off.

"It's fine. I wasnt even worried about it." He said, looking up at me. He was totally worried about it.

I smirked and whispered into his ear, "You look really good today, but then again, you look good everyday." There his face went again, flushing up and making his cheeks bright red. I just couldn't help myself. I placed my hand on his thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze. He made a soft, but erotic noise and it made it harder to keep my hands off of him.

Zander turned to me and started off on some tangent about what he had done that weekend. While listening to Zander, my hand had a mind of its own. It slowly crepted up Andrew's thigh, rubbing my thumb over his inner thigh. It got closer to where I really wanted it, but Andrew suddenly stood up from the table. With his face covered with his hair, he said to the table, who he now had everyone's gaze, " I don't feel well, I'm going to go to the infirmary."

"Do you need me to go with you?" Said Zoey, with a very concerned look.

"No, I think I'll be okay. I just need to go lay down." He said with a small smile. He met my eyes. I felt as though there was an underlying meaning to the stare he gave me. He started on his way to the infirmary, my eyes on his ass the entire time. Everyone got back into the conversations they were having.

"You gonna go check on him?" I heard in my ear. I looked over and saw Zoey smirking at me. I smirked back and stood up.

"I'm gonna go check to see if Andrew made it okay." I said to the table. Checking on him wasn't the only thing I was planning on doing.

Hello hello my lovelies!

So I know I said some where that I had run out of juice for this story I am....with a new chapter...

I'm not gonna ask if you hate me because I know you already do. I, as an author, have failed you. But I hope to make it up to you.

My schedule for the upcoming chapters will be wonky at first but Im planning on updating every week. My juice is still flowing.

Also, feel free to be hella grammar nazis. I'm looking for an editor currently so I'm hoping my grammar will soon get better.

Check in next week to see Hunter 'checking up' on Andrew in the infirmary ;)

Much love to you all,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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