Chapter 4

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~Hunter's POV~

"Awwwwwe man, I am soooo ready for lunch. My stomach keeps growling. I need food in my belly." said Zander as we hung out in the library. Instead of sitting in study hall, we were in here.

Josh nodded his head in agreement, then went back to reading some book about a war that happened a long time ago. Reading for fun? Psh, please.

"Zander, I swear to the heavenly beings up above, if you don't stop talking about food, I'll make sure you stop talking altogether." said Zoey, glaring up from her book. I laughed, but then got shushed by the librarian. Screw you too, ruin the fun why don't ya.

Only a few more minutes till lunch. Five to be exact. Having study hall before lunch and not having it at the end of the day sucks. At least I don't have it in the morning. Then I wouldn't be able to finish my homework before football practice. I would rather do homework in study hall than at home. Ughhhh. I wish the few minutes till lunch would speed up.

Once the bell finally rang, my friends and I were the first ones out of the library, and everyone followed after. The library was on the other side of the school, so we weren't the first ones in the cafeteria. Once we were inside and we had gotten our food, we sat at our lunch table and soon everyone else gathered to sit with us. Our table was defiantly the most crowded out of everyone else's.

I know Zoey doesn't like labeling people or putting people in groups. but I can't help but do exactly that. Everyone is just so different than me. That does sound kind of self-centered, but it's true. There are the geeks who do homework all the time. I wonder what they do when they run out of homework....? Then there are the gothy people. They wear all black and listen to some heavy rock music. The music is good, I'm not gonna lie. Then there are the the outcasts, the theater people, and there is us. The Populars. We consist of sporty people, people who think they are sporty, cheerleaders, and people who are just naturally popular, like Zoey for instant. But, then there is Andrew. He doesn't have a group he belongs to. He is alone all the time and doesn't talk to anyone unless he is talking to. He is all by himself

God, if Zoey ever hears me say any of that, she would hate me then kill me.

After finishing my meal, I looked out one of the huge windows that is in the cafeteria, and looked across the field to see Andrew sitting underneath the same tree he had every year. He looked so peaceful. Like he didn't have a care in the world. He only looks like that when he is alone. I felt a jolt of pain through my heart, but ignored it. I'm not suppose to have feelings for a guy. The star quarterback and captain of the football team should not be gay. I growled at myself and Zoey made an annoyed noise. I looked back at her and she had a very angry look on her face. She must have saw me looking at him and thought I was growling at him. Shit.

"Hunter, why do you find it necessary to bully him? He has done nothing to you and since the day he arrived, you have been a total jackass to him. Seriously grow up and get over yourself. I am dead serious, if you don't cut that shit out, I will never talk to you again." I stared wide-eyed at Zoey as she stood up and stomped outside. This is his fault. Zoey is mad at me because I bully his pretty ass. Ughhhhh. I put my head down on the table and sighed. The cafeteria was quiet and I was pretty sure everyone heard her. God damn it. Why did he have to come to MY school and make me gay? He is the only male I'm interested, no one else, just him. Ughhhhh.

Once the bell rang, I watched Zoey walk back inside with Andrew right next to her with a smile on his face. He laughed at something Zoey said and before walking out of the cafeteria, he looked back and our eyes met. We stared at each other and I didn't want to look away. He blushed a deep red color and turned his head away, putting his face down. I was stunned for a moment but was pulled up from my seat by Josh and Zander. Zander put his arm around my shoulder and said, "Don't worry bro, Zoey won't be mad at you forever." I rolled my eyes and pushed his arm off of me. I have to keep my cool. I was so close to getting up and running to Andrew and kiss the living out of his adorable blushing face. Control, All I need is control. I don't know how the hell I'm gonna keep my cool. I had my last two periods with him.

I walked down the hallway towards my second to last class. Zander and Josh walked their separate ways and I held my breathe as I saw Zoey hugging Andrew goodbye down the hallway in front of the classroom. She pulled back and whispered something in his ear. He giggled and blushed a deep red. If you didn't know anything about Zoey or Andrew, you would think they were a couple, or something. I let out a ragged breathe and clenched my fist. Is this what jealousy felt like? Ugh, calm down Hunter. Zoey waved goodbye and Andrew went into the classroom. As she walked down the hallway towards me, she looked at me, in the eye. We were staring at each other till she pulled her glance away and kept walking. I let out a sigh and walked into class. I looked around the classroom and found Andrew staring at me, like always. I stared back at him and saw a blush creep up his neck to his face. Without realizing it, I gave him a small smile, and I never smiled. Once I realized my mistake, I gave him a hard look. He looked surprised. God, what is wrong with me? I took my seat and minded my own business for the rest of the class.


Yay!!!! Another Chapter is up!!! Hope you like it!!!!

I don't have a lot of time so I tried to squeeze in this chapter. I also don't have a lot to say so that's all I got.

ByeBye Lovies :*


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