~•~ Characters~•~

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Mr. Gabriel John Utterson: The central character of the novel, who narrates most of the story, either directly or through documents which come into his possession. He is also the counsel for, and close friend to, both Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Lanyon.

Mr. Richard Enfield: A distant kinsman of Mr. Utterson, he is a well-known man about town and is the complete opposite of Mr. Utterson; yet they seem to thoroughly enjoy their weekly Sunday walks together.

Dr. Henry (Harry) Jekyll: A prominent physician in London; very handsome, distinguished, and generally respected; he has alienated some of his close professional friends because of his experiments concerning the dual nature of mankind.

Edward Hyde: As the name indicates, Hyde is the fleshy (or "sinful," according to Victorian standards) manifestation of Dr. Jekyll's personality; he is guilty of committing atrocious acts throughout the novel. The search to determine who Edward Hyde is constitutes the first half of the novel.

Dr. Hastie Lanyon: Dr. Jekyll's closest friend of many years; Lanyon broke with Jekyll concerning how much evil can be found within a person. Dr. Lanyon's narration in Chapter 9 reveals the true nature of Jekyll's and Hyde's relationship.

Poole: He is Dr. Jekyll's man servant, chief butler, and all-around manager of the house; he has been in Dr. Jekyll's service for so long that he knows every footstep and motion associated with his employer; he is, therefore, able to report to Mr. Utterson that the man in seclusion is not Dr. Jekyll.

Bradshaw: Dr. Jekyll's footman and man-about-the-house, who goes around to the back entry of Jekyll's laboratory to guard the back door, while Poole and Utterson break in through the front door.

Mr. Guest: Mr. Utterson's secretary, who is "a great student and critic of handwriting." He finds something amazingly similar between Dr. Jekyll's and Mr. Hyde's handwriting.

Sir Danvers Carew: A distinguished M.P. (Member of Parliament), who does not appear in the work, but whose unprovoked and vicious murder by Edward Hyde causes a turning point in the novel.

Inspector Newcomen of Scotland Yard: The officer who accompanies Utterson on a search of Hyde's house in Soho after the murder of Sir.

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