A big thanks to @XxtoninixX for the cover! Anyway enjoy chapter 3
<3 you so much!!!
(Niall's POV)
"Ugh!" I moaned as I moved my very stiff body. I took out my phone, the front screen said 3:25. Only three in the morning! I stood up to stretch only to find Ari asleep on my shoulder. She really was pretty, strands of her long brown hair draping over her face, her chest rising and falling ever so slightly, her vanilla perfume. Niall! Snap out of it! I kept telling myself that, but those thoughts never left my mind.
I finally couldn't sit there anymore, my legs were asleep and I couldn't feel my feet. I carefully moved Ari, lifting her up as lightly as I could manage. She was a lot lighter then I thought, I'm not saying she was fat I am just saying that I didn't expect her to be as light as a feather. She snaked her arms around my neck and cuddled deeper into my chest.
I took her into her room and laid her in her bed. She mumbled something that I couldn't understand, it sounded something like "don't leave" but I wasn't sure. I stayed just in case. I laid down on the other side of her. She snuggled in, laying her head on my chest. I kissed her forehead before Falling asleep myself.
(Ari's POV)
I was running, as fast as I could. He was just too far away. Was he running too? Away from me? What had I done? I screamed his name. Again. Nothing. Again "Niall" I yelled. "Niall" this time a scream.
"I'm here love!" I heard before coming into consciousness. I sat straight up in my bed only to find Niall sitting on the other side. His hand on my arm.
"Niall!" I screamed again in shock, only this time falling off my bed.
"Oh my! Are you okay?" he asked hastily making his way over to me.
"Oh my gosh! It was just a dream!" I said putting my hand on my forehead and running my fingers through my now knotted hair. I then realized "Niall what are you doing in my room?" I stood up way to fast when I said this and got a head rush. I put my hands out to my sides and tried to balance myself so I wouldn't fall over.
"Well you fell asleep on my shoulder, when I woke up I brought you in here because I thought you would be more comfortable. As I went to leave you told me not to, so I stayed. And here we are!" he said the last part sarcastically.
Oh my, did I really say that? I can't believe it. Do I like Niall? Niall Horan? Can I like him? I guess I can but he is so... Him and I'm just plain old me. Could he like me? Oh my gosh! More questions!! Just brush it off Ari, just brush it off. Like it never happened. Show you don't care. "oh okay." I mumbled, "Well i'm going to get ready, I have that interview I have to do today!" I said remembering the interview. "Oh and Niall can you pick out an outfit for me again? I never know what to wear to these things."
"Sure thing hun!" he said going over to my closet.
I stripped down and and hopped into the steamy shower. So many thoughts were running through my head. One after another, after another. 'What is it about this guy that made it okay to find him in my bed this morning? What is it about this blond haired, blue eyed boy, with the most amazing smile, and perfect lips, and intoxicating smell? His voice, his smile, his blond hair, his blue eyes, everything about him made my heart speed up faster and make me feel like I'm going to puke every time I hear his name being spoken? What are you talking about Ari?! He really is cute but you don't even have a chance! Look at all these fans, all these girls that are basically falling at his feet. A lot of them are A LOT prettier then you. You don't even stand a chance!'

Dare to Dream (A One Direction Fanfiction)
FanfictionAri and Tasha are just like any normal teen girls. Ari gets to go on a long journey to New York City for a One Direction Infection project. And a certain someone... or shall I say 5 certain people... change their whole lives forever.