So as you all should Know I, Ari Wright, will be taking over for BreAnna. She has just had a rough time taking care of this book and Fight For Him, so we have agreed that I would be writing from now on. Don't worry about getting confused about me changing anything up that has already been written, I wont do that! Same characters, same places, different plot is all.
Thank you for listening to me rant on, and I really hope this cleared everything up! If you still have questions ask them! If they are not about the book PLEASE don't ask on this page, you may PM them to me or put them on my social account (@Ari_Wright) but please dont ask them here.
If you PM them please be sure to say who it is to because, I will remind you, this is a joined account. If it is for me please say so. Otherwise Tasha and I will be very confused okay?
Thank you so much guys and please vote, comment, tell your friends, and PLEASE read Lucky Voice! It is written in Tasha's POV, it will clear a lot up about where we come from. And it will tell more about my history kk :) Not to mention that they go hand in hand. THANKS!!! :*
Oh and just an FYI I am not going to do the whole "Louis is the carrot king" thing, or anything like that. Yes I'm saying Harry is a flirt (because he is) and Niall still likes food (becasue he does). But the thing about Louis was totally a joke, him being his goof-ball self (he will still be really loud and funny). I think its so cliché and has no point to it.
Go read 'Lucky Voice' it is a look through Tasha's eyes!!!
Love you guys! Enjoy!
~Ari <33
(Niall's POV)
"Well I just wanted to say..... From the moment I saw you I thought you were beautiful." I paused to see her face. She didn't look shocked or surprised at all, more like she was waiting for me to go on. "You're not afraid to be yourself around us, even though we are huge pop stars. You get along amazingly with all of us boys, you are like one of us. Oh God I don't know what I'm saying!" I said releasing her hands and turning away from her.
"Niall," she said grabbing my hand again. "Just come out with it," she said giving me a reassuring smile.
It was like I wasn't thinking, but I took her face in my hands and kissed her. When I realised what had happened I backed away. "Oh shit!" I said and began to walk away.
"Wait Niall," I heard her say but just kept walking. "Niall I like you too!" she yelled. I stopped in my tracks and turned around to look at her.
"Really?" I asked. My face was brightening up as I spoke.
"Yes really!" She was walking up to me. "There has always been something different about you. I don't know if it's your eyes, your laugh, your personality or what but you were different! I lied when I said I don't believe in love at first sight. Well okay at first I wasn't but when I looked at you I knew it was true," she said and I could see truth in her eyes.
There was a long silence while we just stood there looking at each other. Then out of the blue -well okay the temptation was overwhelming, with her blue eyes boring into mine while she was biting her bottom lip- I kissed her again. This time she kissed back. And somehow we made our way back into the living room. It was all a daze.
(Ari's POV)
OH. MY. GOD. Niall Horan, THE Niall Horan kissed me! Twice!! I'm dreaming! I have to be dreaming. Nothing could ruin this moment! Just then I felt my phone go off. I ignored it but it kept ringing, Niall broke the kiss smiling.

Dare to Dream (A One Direction Fanfiction)
FanfictionAri and Tasha are just like any normal teen girls. Ari gets to go on a long journey to New York City for a One Direction Infection project. And a certain someone... or shall I say 5 certain people... change their whole lives forever.