(Ari's POV)
I told him everything. I told him how it started, how bad its gotten, everything.
"It started when I was a little girl, maybe six or seven, I came home late from a friend's house. My parents had gone to a 'meeting'. When they came back, around eleven or midnight, I had fallen asleep on the couch. They were both drunk. My mom tired to wake me up, she shook me, called my name, I wouldn't wake up. She said it was 'desperate measures', she said she I was dead. But she slapped me. I finally woke up to that, but when I realized what she'd done I started crying. She put her hand over my mouth, she said "be quiet you'll wake the neighbors." I didn't stop. I was still in shock that my mother had hit me, she'd never done it before, why now? She said I was little and didn't understand.
"But when I didn't shut up my dad grabbed my wrists, he made them red. It hurt, a lot. You could see it in his eyes, he was mad. He grabbed my hair and pulled making me scream more. My mom put her hand over my mouth again, to keep me from screaming. I was led up into my room by my father, all the while he still had ahold of my hair. I don't remember anything after that, just the pain in my heart and the painful striking of a belt to my back." I showed him those scars. "I still have those scars.
"The bruises I have now are because about three days before I came here to New York, I was at Tasha's house. We were on break so I had stayed later then I should've. Tasha and I share an apartment but on breaks an long weekends I go visit my parents. My parents had another 'meeting' they had to go to." I had learned by now that when they said 'meeting' they were going to get drunk. "I was scared to go home, I really didn't want to put up with them, I should've just stayed, she told me stay if I really needed to. I didn't except. "Oh its alright, I don't think anything is going to happen." Boy was I wrong. I went home to face the wrath of my parents. Stupidest mistake I've ever made. This was the day I'd been asked to came here, and I was really happy. Well up until I got home. I walked up to the door and heard my mom yelling. "Where the hell is she?"
"Have you checked her room?" My dad asked
"I've checked the whole damn house!" She yelled.
"I was just about to turn around to go back to Tasha's house, I had by now realized it was stupid of me to come home. Just as I started walking down the porch steps, I heard the door open. I cringed as I heard the voice of my mother "Oh Ari we were worried sick!" she said it in an panicked voice, as if I hadn't already heard what she was saying inside. "Where have you been?!" She was starting to sound more angry by each word. "Your father and I have been looking all over for you! She said taking my wrist and leading my inside.
"Inside everything, chairs, tables, the couch, were all turned upside down. The pictures of me in my childhood were knocked off the walls, some broken, it was a lotal mess! I was led into the kitchen where I was then beat with a wooden spatula. I was used to the pain by now. I could hardly feel the pain as the wood hit my bare stomach, and back. I could feel the spots where it had hit go red, and start swelling. I have been out in the E.R. three times because of abuse. But the biggest thing I could feel, was the condition my heart was in.
"I still to this day can't believe that a person should have to go through this, I've been through it since I was six. I know how victims of bulling, abuse, and neglection feel. I am literally forced to put a smile on my face every single day, because if I didn't seem happy at my house, I was beat. It's not fun Niall. It hurts, I have more scars on the inside then I do on the outside."
(Niall's POV)
That is horrible!
"Have you told anyone?" I asked
"No one other then you, Tasha, and my diary." She said

Dare to Dream (A One Direction Fanfiction)
FanfictionAri and Tasha are just like any normal teen girls. Ari gets to go on a long journey to New York City for a One Direction Infection project. And a certain someone... or shall I say 5 certain people... change their whole lives forever.