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Jonah said that green eyes is not allowed to talk to me anymore.

Im done with him.

Jonah is being a bitch.


I texted Green eyes.

Me- goodnight

I put my phone away without looking at it again.

I laid down next to Haleigh (who was already asleep and snoring) and looked at the ceiling.

Jonah is just being a bitch and i did not appreciate it.

I feel asleep soon enough and woke up to Haleigh pushing me.

I looked over at her and started to say, "what the hel-" when i rolled off the bed and hit the floor.

"BITCH!" I screamed and ran at her.

We ran into the living room and I tackled her onto the couch and we both started laughing.

We sat there for a good minute before realizing that Zach and Corbyn and Logan were there staring at us.

"May we help you?" I asked them and got off of Haleigh.

"Yes, you may." Logan said, "you may help me by putting some fucking pants on!" He yelled and I started laughing.

"Im good how i am." I said and i could see the anger in his eyes.

"Go. Change." He said dead serious and i walked away with Haleigh.

"Well someones a party pooper." I whispered to her and she laughed.

"Your damn right." She said back and we laughed again.

I put on some pants and Haleigh went through her wardrobe at least 7 times before deciding what to wear.

I was bored and she was almost done changing, when she walked into the bathroom.

"You better not be putting on makeup." I yelled to her.

"Why not?" She yelled back.

"Because it takes to long." I said walking in there and dragging her but the arm out.

"Just.... one..... thing...." she said struggling to get back in the bathroom.

"Calm down......" i said. "Im sure Corbyn will still like you even without makeup."

"Yes i will!" Corbyn yelled from the other room.

I saw Haleigh blush and then dragged her the rest of the was out of the room.

We walked over to the boys.

"Hey." Haleigh said all flirty and blushing to Corbyn.

I looked at Zach, "what do you want?" I asked and he laughed.

"We wanted to know if you guys wanna get breakfast with us?" He asked.

"Sure." I said to him.

"Awww, its our first double date." She said and i swear the look on Logans face changed from happy to im gonna kill you in .739 seconds.

I grabbed Zachs hand. "Run!" I yelled and we all sprinted out the door.

We made it down stairs and into Corbyns car successfully, and by that i mean without Logan killing Zach, so successfully.

Corbyn drove us to some bagel place, and let me tell you, it was delicious.

We were walking back to the car when someone yelled my name.

I turned around, and there was asshole aka green eyes' friend.

"Leave me alone." I said and turned around, and walked to the car.

"Oh, so i assume this means that your ok with me telling Ash that your on a date with another guy." He said trying to guilt me into something.

"Yeah, its ok, tell ash. its not like im dating him or anything." I yelled back.

"Yeah, well he wants to." Asshole yelled to me and I stopped dead in my tracks.

I really wanted to find green eyes right then and there, and i was about to, when i remembered i was 'dating' Zach.

I didn't want to but i got in the car and we drove back to the boys' house.

It was only 11 when we got there so Jack and Daniel were still asleep.

I looked at Zach and he seemed to know exactly what i wanted to do.

"Who first?" He asked.

"Daniel." I said and we snuck into his room.

Zach and I got on either side of his bed.

I looked at him and counted down from 3.

"3... 2... 1..." i said and we both screamed.

He woke up real fast and looked around the room scared.

It was funny, but not funny enough, so we had to get Jack better.

Zach and I snuck into his room.

This time i was going to jump on him.

Zach counted down from 3 on his fingers and at 1 i jumped on him.

He moved out of the way partially, but didn't wake up.

Instead, he rapped an arm around me and snuggled in.

I looked at Zach and he looked pissed, but I didn't know what to do, so i turned around facing Jack and screamed his name.

"JACK!" I yelled and he practically fell of the bed.

"Ugg, what the hell." He said as Zach was bursting out laughing.

We walked back into the living room a few minutes later to see that Corbyn and Haleigh were making out on the couch, yet again.

"Get a room." I yelled and Zach, Jack and I went into the back yard.

I sat on a bench thing next to Zach and put my head on his shoulder.

I was really tired and i was almost asleep, when i saw the bushes rustle. There was no wind.


Ok, i know this was short, but i wanted to update tonight, but im about to pass out so...

Anyway, Attention or No Attention?

And as always love you all💚

Ohhhhh and also phot creds to the one and only CasperMonkey

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