Chap 4 Forgetting

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(Hey guys, welcome back sorry for not updating sooner. Also sorry for how short the last chap was.)

/Matt's POV/ (WHY NOT?!?)

I was just trotting around....but then I stopped when I noticed something. 'Dangit, not again....' I was trotting in the....air. I'm a airbender and I'm kinda still learning though. Edd and Tom already are pretty good controlling their powers, but my powers are harder too control once I accidentally almost caused a small twister....yeah.

/Tom's POV/

He told me that his name was......Tord. Weird name,'whatever' . "So, Tom was it....what do you do around here." He spoke so suddenly I felt like I was gonna jump out of my scales. "......" I literally just swim around until my fri-...."Hey, Tom! Me and Matt wanted the three of us to go somewhere if your not busy." Well speak of the devil...."Oh,umm..." I kinda trailed off when Edd noticed the fern.

/Tord's POV/

Some guy literally came out nowhere!!! He was an elf wearing a green hoodie he said something but I didn't hear because I was looking at the huge centar wearing a purple hoodie standing behind him. Tom looked over at me then back over at the elf. Then the elf and the centar looked over at me. Then the elf spoke. "Oh! Uhhh.....this is awkward isn't it. So Tom, who's this?" He looked over at me. "Well, this is....uh." He just kinda just stared at me. "Tord, my name is Tord." I said realizing he didn't remember. The centar walked over a little bit kinda just towering over me. "Hi, I'm Matt and this is Edd." He says gesturing to himself then the elf. 'Matt and Edd. Got it.' Then Edd turned around towards Tom "So when did you guys meet?" Edd said. "We just did." 'Woah, his voice is surprisingly deep but at the same time isn't that deep.....that doesn't make sense.' "Well, we wanted to go somewhere...but," Edd said trailing off. "Todd, could come with us though," Matt said, wait..DID HE SAY TODD!?!?!?! "It's Tord, and it kinda depends where your going." I said extremely annoyed. Edd giggled a bit then said that they were going to one of Tom's favorite lakes for his birthday. When I heard this I just stared at the siren that didn't seem to be listening just kinda swimming around in circles. Edd looked over at Tom then cleared his throat to get his attention. Tom popped out of the water, "What did you say?" Edd just rolled his eyes and explained to him what we were planning on doing he just nodded when Edd said I might come he just nodded and then blinked when Edd said why were going. "Oh, yeah I forgot that was today..." he said while I just stared. (HOW COULD YOU TOM!!!) Tom just looked up at the sky then I decided to speak "You forgot your own birthday???" he just shrugged "I guess." (Tom seriously get a water-proof calender or something.)

/Tom's POV/

I honestly don't understand what everyone is freaking out about I just forgot. It's really no big deal. "So, Edd which lake?" Edd finally stopped freaking out and said "Oh, the one that's just down the Sandy Bay river. You know, your favorite."

/Edd's POV/

Tom's eyes go wide when I told him. I swear Tom loves that place, we all do. I like how it's shaded and has a ton of trees. Matt likes how the water is always perfect and shows his reflection. Tom has so many reasons that I can't remember any of his.

(Hey, I hope you liked this chap. again sorry for last chap being so short I made this chap longer than usual.)

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