(14) Trick Or Treat

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This chapter marks the end of the weekly updates. If not I'll run out of chapters within 2 weeks and we don't want that lmao.

Chapter Fourteen - Trick Or Treat


It used to be one of Emily's favourite times of the year.

She remembered vividly all the times she'd dress up as a kid along with her mum and dad. Even her mum and John.

She remembered parties with cakes that had spiders on them. Ghost cookies and bags full of sweets from hours of trick or treating. Toffee apples where she'd eat everything but the apple itself.

She remembered dancing and laughing and crazy haunted houses that made her heart pound with both fear and excitement.

With a heavy sigh, Emily plopped down in front of her tv.

Those days were gone.

Now it was wine and ice cream in front of the tv on her own. Silence, except for the odd prank calls and knock on the door, and loneliness.

Last year hadn't been much different. Her and Matthew had planned a night in watching horror films and eating bowlfuls of crap only for him to decide he was too tired to stay up after just 20 minutes. She should be used to spending Halloween on her own but she wasn't.

When the next knock came she shot off from the couch grabbing the bowl of m&m's she had ready. Unfortunately her late trip to the shops hadn't given her much of a supply. Plus she'd already eaten all the haribo.

She opened the door with a smile which grew further when she recognised the little girl standing in front of her with her parents. She bent down, ruffling her hair. "Now what are we dressed as today?" She asked cocking her head to the side.

"I'm fairy Elsa!" Skye replied happily, waving her wand in Emily's face and poking her in the eye with it.

Sophia looked at her apologetically as she stood up rubbing her eye. Emily looked at Will amused. "This was the compromise then?" She asked as Sophia told Skye to be more careful.

He shrugged. "The costume was ruined but she still wanted to fly. I figured it was perfect."

"Right. And um what are you two supposed to be exactly?" She asked eying up the blood that covered both Will and Sophia.

"Well." Will started covering up Skye's ears as she reached into the bowl. "This one thinks we are zombies but I like to think of us as two ex lovers who tried to kill each other. Of course, only one could survive."

Emily rose an eyebrow at the pair. "And who was that?"

Will turned his head revealing a line of blood. "Axe to the head. This one has anger issues." He joked making her laugh as he took his hands from Skye's ears, ruffling her plaited hair.

Sophia smirked. "Yes well, who wouldn't with their nightmare ex around."

Emily rolled her eyes at the pair. As much as she used to hate it, if you saw Will and Sophia together in the street you'd think they were best friends and had been for years. Still, the idea of Sophia axing Will in the head made her grin. Mainly because in reality Sophia was probably more likely to drop the axe on her own foot.

"So." Will said looking her up and down. "What are you supposed to be? A ghost?"

Emily glared at the pair when they snickered. "Don't make me tip these on your head." She threatened.

Will glanced at the bowl. "Come on Emily, even you can do better than that."

Her left eye twitched. "Not in front of a 6 year old I can't. Now. Are we done here?" She asked irritated.

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