(21) Gummy Worms

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Chapter TwentyOne - Gummy Worms

Emily shivered, wrapping her coat around herself tightly as she stumbled down the street, cursing her own stupidity. Through the chaos of trying to think of the perfect excuse to get John and Janice to come over she'd completely forgotten to make actual plans for after she'd left.

When the icy wind slammed into her again she tried to focus on anything but how cold she was. The sound of the snow crunching under her feet, her teeth chattering, even the distant shouting and cheers from a group of 20-somethings on a night out as they moved from one club to the next.

Nothing worked.

She considered going over to Sophia's anyway but decided against it. While they'd been setting things up Sophia had mentioned that she'd invited Will over to watch some films with her and Skye and there was no way she was going to interrupt. After all, she'd spent years accusing him of being an awful dad, the least she could do now was let him continue to prove her wrong.

"Damn it." She grumbled under her breath when she realised she'd forgotten to change her shoes, grimacing as the bottom of her feet turned damp.

When a quiet buzz and a flash of lights caught her attention she looked up and was relieved to see the familar sign of the coffee shop. The coffee there tasted like mud compared to Janice's and all the seats were full of people escaping the weather but for a few minutes at least, it would be her sanctuary.

As she stepped in she sighed as the scent of coffee and chocolate washed over her and the heat instantly begun to thaw her numb toes. She waited in line patiently, humming along to the radio even though she had no idea what the song was, before finally she could place her order. She almost laughed at how dishelved she looked in the reflection of the cake counter. Her hair was like a nest and her face was red all over.  Trying to focus on her hair and not the delicious looking chocolate brownies she begun to fix what she could as another customer stepped inside.


When the person didn't continue with their order she glanced over and was suprised to find Ben looking at her. "Oh." She said realising he'd been talking to her. "Hey."

Ben smiled warmly at her. "How've you been? I haven't seen you in a while."

"Yeah. I guess we've both been pretty busy." Emily replied, shuffling out of the way for any new customers that came in. "I've been good though. How about you?" She asked politely.

"4 black coffees please and all the muffins you have." Ben quickly said when asked what he wanted before turning back to Emily. "I've been good too, exhausted though. We've had a bit of a crazy night. I just thought I'd grab some supplies for the guys to keep us going."

Emily frowned. "Nothing serious I hope?" She asked concerned.

"No no, just some domestics and drunks causing hassle. Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. Sometimes I forget that when a police officer says how crazy it's been people start thinking kidnapping or murders. Most of the time it's just paperwork." He said with a small laugh.

Emily smiled. "It's fine. I'm used to it with John." She explained.

Ben leaned against the counter. "So. Why haven't I seen you around lately? Too busy with your new man?"

Emily's brows furrowed. "New man?" She asked confused.

Ben nodded. "Yeah...Wayne? Or Wyatt maybe? I don't know,  I'm bad with names but I overheard some people talking about it."

Emily sighed. "That's Will and he is not my boyfriend."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." She replied, annoyed that people were even gossiping about them. "Trust me, I'm not even ready for all of that after the drama with my ex."

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