Just Like Momma

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Val's P.O.V.

I was running through the hallway of Auradon Prep, clutching my binder and books to my chest, trying to get to my class. When I got there, I slowly opened the door and crept quietly towards the back of the class, where one of my best friends, JC Vile, was sitting. 

"Hey, JC," I said as I sat down and put everything where it belonged.

"Late again, huh?" she replied. 

"Yup." I immediately took out my journal for taking notes, but it was really more like a scetch book since I only doodle in it during class.

"I don't know why you bother to show up if you're not going to pay attention," JC joked, and raised her eyebrow playfully.

I gave her a look. School is just so boring! I mean, what's the point, it's not like you have to learn about math and science and stuff if you're gonna grow up to be an artist...right?

We were in Chemistry, and our teacher, Professor Smalls, or at least what he lets us call him, Professor Doug, was probably the nicest teacher in our school, other than Professor Jane de Vil.

But he was also really smart, so when he turned around he said, "Late again, Miss Adams?" 

I mumbled to JC, "how does he do that?" and said to Professor Doug, "Sorry."

"I hope it doesn't happen again, or I will have to suspend you," he said and waved a finger.

"Sorry," I apologized again and he went back to writing the formula on the chalkboard and I went back to 'taking notes'. 

"You really are like your mom," JC whispered in my ear.

I playfully punched her in the arm. Typical JC, always cunning, playful, and has an amazing retort for anything that comes her way. That's why she's my best friend. But also it's also 'cause her dad and my mom were best friends since childhood, and my dad and her mom were the same way. My parents are Mal and Ben Adams, King and Queen of Auradon, and her parents are Lonnie and Jay Vile.

(Author's Note: I know Jafar's last name isn't Vile but I just liked that so it is their last name.) 

But she was right about me being just like my mom. We're both cunning, crafty, sneaky, mischevious, good at planning things, and are secretly soft. We both love to draw, we both had trouble with getting to classes on time, and we both even died our hair purple! See what I mean?

JC's  a lot like her dad, though. Cunning, quick-witted, charismatic, an athlete, and both are incredible dancers. She's also a lot like her mom, she's kind, confident, bold, and not afraid to go against the rules sometimes. JC has the same long, wavy, brown hair, and has tan skin that makes it look like a glow is coming off of her.

I have my mom's skin, my mom's eyes, but I have my dad's hair. 

Well I used to.

Before I dyed it like my mom's.


After that and a few more classes, JC and I went to lunch at the picnic tables. My BFF, Darcy, waved me over, so JC and I went to go sit with her.

Darcy is the daughter of Professor Doug and my mom's best girlfriend, Evie. She has light tan skin, long, wavy, light brown hair, and dark, chocolate brown eyes. 

Darcy was with Carla de Vil, Professor Jane and Carlos de Vil's daughter. Carlos was like a little brother to my mom, and Carla's like a little sister to me. She has Carlos' platinum blonde hair, freckles, and pale skin, but Jane's eyes. Crystal blue.

I sat next to Darcy, and JC sat next to Carla.

"Hey guys," I greeted, then gave Darcy a fist-bump. 

"Hi," Carla responded. 

Suddenly, Carla's older brother, Cameron, walked up to our table.

"Hey gals. Can I sit? I can't find Evan anywhere," he asked us.

Darcy was speechless. She was twirling her hair around her finger, with her mouth open, and a dreamy look on her face, all while staring at Cameron.

"If you don't close that mouth of yours a fly will find its way in and down your throat," I said with a mischevious smile. I put my finger under her chin and pushed it up until it locked in place, but when I removed my finger, it fell again. 

JC and I chuckled. 

We talked and ate for a little while after that, but JC spotted something.

"There goes the fly into her mouth," JC said, laughing.

We all laughed.

Darcy jolted her head up after realizing she had just swallowed a fly. "Ew..."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Lunch is about to end, doofus. Let's get going."

We all said our goodbyes, except Darcy to Cameron, because she was to nervous and wouldn't speak. Oh well. Off to class I guess.

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