The Assignment

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Darcy's P.O.V.

After my lunch period I'm supposed to be at Home Ec class, then I have free period.

I walked down the hallway and twirled my hair around my finger, something that I do a lot. Today I was rocking some black combat boots, black tights, a black skirt, and a white blouse that read 'QUEEN' with a crown above it. As an accessory I wore a charm bracelet with a golden apple, crown, and jewel charm on it and golden apple-shaped earrings. (See the author's note before this.)

I sat in my seat just as the bell rang. Perfect, I'm right on time, I thought to myself.

I sit next to my younger brother Evan, who has skipped a grade (like Carla).

"Hey little bro," I told him, and he lightly punched my shoulder.

"Hey sis."

At that moment, Cameron de Vil walked in the room. He waved at his friends and went to go sit at the opposite side of the class. I've liked Cameron since 5th grade. I mean, he has those adorable freckles, and dark, chocolate brown hair, and those deep, crystal blue eyes. Every time I look at him he's the only thing I can see, the only thing I can hear. When I look at him, there appears to be a glow coming off of his skin.

My brother tapped my shoulder. "Darcy?"

I jumped, then slapped him. "Don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry, but you were staring at Cameron de Vil again," Evan told me.

I blushed red with embarrassment. I hadn't known I was staring.

"Sorry for slapping you," I apologized.

"It's fine."


A few minutes later our Home Ec teacher, Ms. Baxter, walked into the classroom carrying a brief case. She wore her long black hair in a bun on top of her head, and wore a leather jacket that came with a matching motorcycle.

"Morning class," Ms. Baxter said while saluting, her common way of greeting our class.

The entire class saluted back.

"Over the next two weeks you will be teaming up as married couples to try and manage a budget, raise a family, and manage life events. I've posted the partners for you to see after class," Ms. Baxter explained. "Now get your books out, and read chapter 9."

The class did what they were told, and soon enough the bell rang.

Ms. Baxter smiled. "Get outta here, peeps!"

The whole class rushed out of the room, trying to get to the list.

Lucky for me I'm tall, a girl and wearing shoes that boost my height slightly, so I get a clear view of the list.

My eyes bounced back and forth on the paper, like I was carefully watching a tennis ball in a tennis match. When I got to my name, I squealed with excitement. Cameron's my partner!

I ran throw the rest of the crowd to where my brother was standing.

I put my hands on his shoulders and shook him. "CAMERON'S MY PARTNER!!!"

"Okay, okay! Anyway, who did I get?" Evan asked me.

"Uh," I tried to think of it. "Oh! You're partners with Natalie White!"

Natalie White is the daughter of Nia, daughter of Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen, and James White, son of Snow White and Prince Florian.

"Great!" Evan said.

I was so excited I squealed all the way back to my dorm. I'm going to be working with CAMERON, the cutest boy in school, in my opinion anyway.

Life is great!

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