Not-So-Charming and Princess Vile

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Third Person

After lunch, Carla said goodbye to my friends and headed to her classes. Though both Darcy and she have advanced classes, they have different ones after lunch. 

While walking down the hallway, Carla dropped her pencil on the floor, so she leaned down to pick it up. But while she was standing back up, her head had bumped into something. Or rather, someone. When Carla looked up, she saw that she had bumped into the chest of Chase Charming, son of Audrey and Chad Charming, while Lynn Vile was standing beside him, both sneering down at her.

"Oh I'm so sorry, do you need help up?" Chase said, a sickening fake smile on his face. He grabbed her hand and pulled her up, but then pushed Carla down, making the younger girl hit head on the ground. 

"Ow!!" Carla cried in pain, rubbing the back of her head with her hand. Her books and papers had flown out of her hands and were now scattered around her. She was feeling a range of mixed emotions, anger, embarrassment, shame, doubt, disgust, sadness, but mostly fear. The back of her ears burned, her cheeks fumed red, and tears were welling up in her eyes.

Lynn leaned down and pinched her cheeks. "Awww, is the little shorty nerd hurt? Wanna go crying to your mommy, or are you afraid?"

"Afraid of what?" Carla asked wearily, the tears threatening to come streaming down her cheeks at any moment.

Chase laughed sarcastically. "Afraid of us pushing you down again!" 

Carla stood up. "No," she winced. The girl tried to be brave, but felt ashamed because even one of them was probably stronger than her.

With a wicked grin on her face, Lynn pushed her chest and Carla landed on her back. "OW!!" 

Carla's raging hormones couldn't take it anymore. Hot tears ran down her face, both her ears and cheeks burning. The blonde haired girl, who's papers and books were now scattered on the ground all around her, started grabbing her stuff and backing away in the progress, with the two older kids following her.

Chase leaned down and looked Carla in the face. "You better watch out for us the next time you walk down this hallway. Understand me?"

Out of pure fear, Carla nodded her head repeatedly. "Yes," she said between tears.

"Good. Now the little girl knows to fear the big bad big kids of the school." Lynn leaned down, booped her nose, and made a disgusted face. 

"Good luck," she said flatly.

Carla wearily stood up and ran for an empty classroom. She slammed the door and slid down it. The poor girl burst out in tears. She threw her stuff away from her, then sobbed some more. She wished that there were no such things as bullies.

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