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6. F R O M D U S K, T O D A W N.

 F R O M   D U S K,   T O   D A W N

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He has blackholes
For his pupils.
And the milky way
Orbiting Around them.
He has twilit skin
And stars within.
His voice is the midnight sky,
Each word a shooting star.
He bites his crescent lips
And then he smiles,
pouring moonlight
Into the day.

Her laughter is
Morning light.
In her fingers
Are the colors of dusk.
She swipes her hair
Behind her ear,
Like each strand is
Dawn crashing into
The dark.

He reaches out
To touch her dusky fingers
Or to get a glimpse
Of the dawning light
From her hair.

She stretches out her fingers
To pull his moon into orbit
To hold his stars close

But their hands fall into empty space
Where they never meet.

For they are different skies
That no light will ever touch
At the same time.

But still,
from dawn,
To dusk
She traces all the places he's been
Leaving stains behind her
Of iridescent hues for him to follow.

And at night,
He marks all her fingerprints,
With twinkles of light;
And joins them up,
To create a language only she'll understand.

"I love you."

He writes across a sky

She will never see.

She will never see

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This is where the title of the book comes from...

F R O M  D U S K,                                              T O  D A W N.Where stories live. Discover now