1. The Start

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"Jack.." I faintly hear. But I was too dosed off to notice. At least, not until it was a scream of three guys in my ears through my headphones.

"What? What is it? Did I get caught?" I ask, jolted awake. But I notice my character in Prop Hunt is still perfectly hidden as an ashtray behind a door. "No, but you went silent." Bob says first, then Wade speaks, "We thought your call disconnected for a second there.."

"Sorry, guys, I'm fine. Just zoning out and really distracted." I let out a small giggle like it was funny. Though I knew it was a lie.

"Jack, hun, when was the last time you slept..?" Mark asks. Somehow he can tell what's going on with me most the time. "I'm alright, Mark, really.." I try to reassure him, stifling a yawn so it isn't heard.

"No, you go get some sleep right now. It must be so late over there!" He insists, Bob and Wade just listening to our bickering. I know they don't have a problem with it when it happens, but I always feel bad that they get caught in the middle of it. "It's only.." I pause to look at the time, realizing it's actually 2AM, "It's only... It's just eleven, I'll be fine.." I lie. "Jack, I'm not stupid. Go get some sleep." Mark repeats himself.

"But we barely got to talk at all today!" I complain like a child, "You were so busy and I was recording!" I lean back dramatically in my chair. I hate sleep. Sleep is for the weak! That's why I've gone a week and a half so far without it!

"We can talk when you wake up." He says, still trying to convince me. "But you'll still be asleep when I wake up.." I complain. "Which means I can wake up to sweet 'good morning's from you!" He giggles, and I smile a little.

"But what about the video?" I ask, knowing we were still recording. "We can continue it tomorrow?" Bob suggests. Him and Wade always side with Mark when it comes to telling me what to do.. But I know they just want me to be okay..

"That's a great idea, Bob!" Mark agrees, "Now, Jack, please go get some sleep.." he makes a last attempt. I hesitate before rolling my eyes, "Fine.. I'll go to bed.. Cya, guys.." I say unenthusiastically. I hate sleeping.

We soon end the call and I turn off my recording equipment. I glance down at my ankle where a seemingly invisible chain is. Only I can see it, because I know it's there. On the end of it is a tiny balled weight about the size of my palm. The weight bared the name "Insomnia," which I guess is what I've had for a while. It used to be one chain link and a ball the size of my pupil with just an I on it. But over the passed week and a half it got bigger, and I would get even less sleep.

So, since I couldn't sleep, I recorded a video. And that's all I did the rest of the night..


Wazzup all my moon gems, Jewel Crescent here! And this was my first chapter of my first Septiplier book! It will mostly be Jack's point of view, but I have plans for this book. BIG plans. I hope you'll stick around for those ideas! That's all the time I got for today, so I'll see everyone in the next chapter. And, remember! Stay Cool Dudes! Byee!

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