You will pay Triple H

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*Naomi's POV*
I honestly could not believe that triple h and Stephanie would kidnap JoJo. Roman had told us about the conversation he had with his dad this morning. I honestly could not believe it. "If y'all male one move then she gets it" Hunter said holding up his sledge hammer. Then the arena went dark.

When the lights came back on there were 3 people in the ring attacking the authority, Jeff and Matt Hardy and the glamazon Warrior Beth Phoenix. We all rushed to the ring to help Jeff, Matt, and Beth. Roman and Carrie went straight to JoJo. As soon as they fought her untied the lights went out again. This time the whole roster was around the ring. What had surprised us though is went after the authority. I guess Jeff yell go to Carrie and Roman. They both ran out of the ring with JoJo. So, us and the rest of the roster continue to attack the authority until we all thought that they had been beaten enough. I mean what are they going to do fire the whole roster.

The twins, Dean, and I made our way back to the locker room to see if doc looking JoJo over. She had a cast on her arm and look like she had been crying. Roman was also talking to her trying to keep her calm. Carrie on the other hand was pacing back and forth muttering something in Italian. And by the sound of it, it was probably better off that way.

"Carrie just calm down okay. Triple H and Stephanie will get what's coming to them" Roman said while looking at Carrie. "How about we go ahead and leave, I mean we have nothing to do tonight" Dean said. We all nodded in agreement. As we were all getting our stuff together I texted Vince that we had nothing to do tonight so we were going to go ahead and leave. He responded with an okay that's fine. As I grabbed my bag I thought came to mind.

You will pay Triple H.

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