Chapter 1

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Haylee despised her grandpa. Sure,  she was greatful to have a roof over her head after her parents disappeared on her 13 years ago, but that didn't stop him from being an asshole.
It was a Friday afternoon,  also known here in the quaint little town of Oakhart as 'execution day', where all criminal elementals are - you guessed it - killed.
The government loves to display it as a warning to the others, while city types and townsfolk alike band together to celebrate. During these times her grandad liked to drink with a few of his not-so-friendly buddies, and Haylee was not fond of this. But before she could even think of other plans,  it was time for her mandatory blood test.

Haylee was currently heading to the clinic after a regular crappy day at school when her friend piped up from beside her.

"you would think they'd have thought of a better way to do this then needles by now huh."
This comment brought a sympathetic smile to Haylee's face as she turned to face her.

"Betty honey,  unfortunately the government is more focused on killing people and upgrading phones then funding medical advancements" she answered, offering up a comforting pat on the shoulder.

"Yeah but why do I have to get one every year! It's so stupid! Ugh!" Haylee watched,  amused,  as her small,  petite, blonde friend attempted to be angry with no success. She was just too cute.

"Umm,  what is she doing?" a male's voice asked from behind her.

Looking behind her,  Haylee spotted. Familiar face. "Oh hey Jarrod. Yeah I think she's trying to Rebel against the use of needles?"

"by stomping around and throwing her arms up?  Effective."

Haylee smiled at this. "Shhh, it's making her happy. Plus it's funny to watch. She really does not like needles hey." taking the time to glance at her watch, she realised that they better get their behinds into gear if they were to avoid getting into trouble.

"c'mon crazy lady,  let's go." at these words Betty stopped,  and Haylee could see the blood draining from her face. This is going to be as difficult as last year huh.

"See,  I'm sure they'll let me do it next year. I think I'm just going to go home." with that,  Betty began walking away.

"Oh no you don't. Jarrod, you're up. Time to go Shrek mode."

"You got it Hayls" Jarrod replied with a wink. Next minute he was off,  and before Betty even knew what was coming he had scooped her up,  thrown her over his shoulder and was back. "alright. Let's get a move on then."

"you got it" she laughed, while Betty kicked and punched Jarrod in an effort to free herself. Unfortunately for her,  this guy was a sports nut,  and hitting him was like hitting a rock. Will she ever learn?  Ha. Probably not.

As the three of them strolled down the street,  Haylee's mind began to wander. Blood tests were not new to Haylee, but this year was a little different. It is unusual for younger kids to evolve powers if they have the gene,  but she was now 16. This was the last year. If she could get through this, she was free, with no chance of being an elemental. The odds were in her favour,  and yet the worry remained. You are just being silly. There is no way you are an elemental. Just get through today,  go home, eat some food, and sleep. You'll be fine.


Famous last words.

[ooc;; heya all! you made it this far so I'm hoping that means you like the story, or is that too much to ask this early on haha. Anywho, just wanted to say a huge thank you to anyone who does read up to this point. You are all amazing and you keep me wanting to write more, even if  can count the number of readers using my fingers ^^ See you next chapter folks :) ]

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