Backstage (Raven x Dexter)

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It's been a very strange day today. Instead of chatter that usually came from every lip of every student and instead of gossip from Blondie's mirror-cast, it was quiet today. The only talking that Raven had ever heard was the whispering from the Wonderlandians, Faybelle Thorn, and Duchess Swan. That was all, it was really strange.

    Raven Queen, daughter of the Evil Queen, had never witnessed anything like this apart from the day after Legacy Day. Ah, but it didn't matter, she was in her own space, doing what she loved the most.

     Playing her guitar.

     It was the afternoon right after school and Raven was backstage. No one was there so this made it even better. You may be wondering why she couldn't play at her dorm room, well, here's the reason: Apple seemed to be really upset about something and her friends were cheering her up. It was rude to play the guitar while someone was crying. This wasn't a funeral.

    Another thing that she was strangers out by was that she hasn't seen Dexter all day. Especially in the classes they had together, which mostly consisted of Writing 101, Hexonomics, and Crownculus. She wondered where he was.

   Maybe she could gather up some courage and go to his dorm room, but she was kinda scared. Not of him of course, but the fact that she was going to his room. It felt kind of creepy, and plus, they weren't at that stage of the relationship.

    Dexter Charming had finally got out of his dorm room for a nice fresh walk around the school. He was feeling a bit cramped inside that room, and a bit alone.

    He figured that he would go look for Raven. He didn't see her all day, the cause well, you already know. Dexter looked for her first in her dorm room, but she wasn't there. All he could hear was Apple's muffled crying behind the wall, he sensed Raven wasn't there, so he checked the second place she would be: the balcony.

But it turned out that she wasn't there, which was quite strange. So he went down to the Auditorium to see if she was there. If not, he would check the Enchanted Forest. When Dexter reached the Auditorium, he walked towards the backstage, and there she was.

Raven played her guitar slowly as she sat on a prop used for the school's plays. She strummed slowly as Dexter watched in amazement without her notice. She was good, no, great.

" Wow." Dexter breathed as Raven shot her head behind, catching him in sight. Leaving no time for Dexter to hide.

" Dexter?" Raven asked as she stood up. Dexter stood from the curtain and gave a small smile.

" H-H-Hey..." Dexter stuttered a smile. Raven smiled back.

" What are you doing here?" Raven softly spoke as she brushed a lock of hair to the side.

" Well...I was looking for you. Wondering if-" he honestly didn't know what he was saying. Raven cut him off.

" Where were you all day? You're not the type of person who skips their classes." Raven said as she walked up to him.

" I wasn't quite feeling well." Dexter replied. " But I'm alright now. Whatcha doing?"

" Oh, just...playing my guitar. Nothing special." Raven said as she motioned the Charming to sit down next to her. She laid her guitar on her lap and started to strum slowly.

" You know a song on that guitar?" Dexter asked.

" Well, not really, I just know this part." Raven strummed a verse on her guitar.

" That's really impressive." Dexter complimented.

" Thanks, I'm still practicing the song." Raven thanked as she blushed a tint of pink.

" What song is it part of?"

" Treat You Better by Shawn Mendes." Raven smirked.

" Oh..." Dexter smirked back, then suddenly Raven gave a peck on his cheek. He started to blush a deep red.

Oh Dexter...

Hey everyone! This is the very first chapter of It's All About Love 2! I'm so excited! What couple should I do next? Leave your opinion in the comments! See you in the next chapter!
See ya!

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