Tips (Raven x Dexter)

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*Based on an AU (Alternative Universe)*

    " A toast! To Dexter Charming and his new invention! The iFairy 12." Hunter announced as the guys raised their glasses and clinked them together. A nice ding to blend in the background noise of chatter at the restaurant.

    " Thank you everyone, I don't know what it would be like without you guys." Dexter said as he took a sip. "Even to you Sparrow, for not stealing any at the premiere."

     " Whatever, at least I get a new phone for free and get a free dinner." Sparrow said as a waiter filled his glass for the second time. He had drank his first round before the toast, he was quite thirsty. Or that's what he said. They all gave a big hard laugh at that one.

    " Uh, guys, where's Daring?" Chase said as fumbled with the knives, forks, and spoons.

    " Why are you worried?" Sparrow asked, taking a big chug of the wine. You could see it roll down his esophagus. Dexter and Hunter slightly cringed.

    " Let's just say that Darling asked Dexter and I to look after him." Chase explained to the rock star as Alistair rolled his eyes. Dexter slammed his palm against his forehead. His eyes widened.

    " Shit..." Dexter swore as Sparrow laughed. It was quite unusual for Dexter to swear. Chase, Daring, Hunter usually were the ones who swore, whenever they were pissed off, if it was because one of their girlfriends, or if it was part their jobs, aka, the script. Sparrow just swore anytime he felt like it. "Where the hell is he now?"

     " Don't fret about him Dexter, this is your night. He's not on the spotlight now. Plus, I'm sure he'll be alright. He always makes it with us once we leave the place." Hunter replied as he started to stand up from his seat. " But I'll go find him just in case. Chase, will you come with me? Two hands might not be enough to carry him."

    " Sure." Chase said as he stood up. The two left the table as everyone gave a round of applause. Dexter turned around to see a familiar face get up on stage. With her guitar on one hand and adjusting the microphone with the other. Raven, Raven Queen. He started to clap along with the audience. Sparrow scoffed.

" What's she doing here?" Sparrow asked as he took another gulp. Dexter rolled his eyes at him.

" Tips maybe?" Dexter suggested.

" Why would she play for tips if she's already a pop star?" Sparrow leaned back at his chair.

" Maybe it was a favor?" Dexter snapped.

" That makes sense." Alistair spoke up. " I mean, Maddie and Ginger owns this restaurant together. Maybe Maddie asked for Raven to play as a special guest."

" She should've asked me to play." Sparrow scoffed. " I know some slow rock songs."

" If you played then most of the restaurant's guests would've gone out of here deaf and angry asking for their money back." Alistair crossed his arms. Dexter gave a hard laugh.

" I would like to thank Madeline Hatter and Ginger Bread-house for offering time to play here at their restaurant." Raven spoke through the microphone. Everyone started clapping. " It is an lovely honor. And tonight, I'll be playing some slow song on my guitar. Thank you."

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