Mystery (Briar x Hopper)

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     There was only one thing that Briar loved more than living her life with the biggest parties, and that was staying up all night watching the stars at the school balcony. She thought about things such as her destiny.

She stayed up so late that she almost slept there instead of her dorm. And when she did fall asleep, a certain someone picked her up and took her to her dorm, with the help of Ashlynn of course.

Briar usually asked Ashlynn who this mysterious person was, but all she said was that it was a secret. A giggle was usually trailed after as the shoe loving princess deciphered what pair of shoes to wear today.

" Just tell me Ash, I bet it's no biggie." Briar begged as she hopped off her bed. Trailing off to their bathroom.

" Oh I can't, it's a secret. But I'll give you a hint. He told me not to tell anyone." Ashlynn laughed as she put on her pair. Briar stood there puzzled and irritated. Ashlynn didn't say another word as she went to her vanity. Brushing her long hair gently.

     " Is he Daring?"

" No..." Ashlynn rolled her eyes as a scoff came.

" Dexter?"

" No." Ashlynn replied.

" Hunter?"

Ashlynn turned around and gave a death stare. She shook her head.

" Trying to steal my man? How dare you." Ashlynn threatened with her hairbrush. " Don't you dare..."

" Okay...okay." Briar backed away.
" Maybe you could just tell me who it is-"

     " Remember Briar, I can't tell you." Ashlynn said as she finished brushing her hair. As she put on her finishing touches of makeup, she rushed to the door.

" Where are you going? It's Saturday." Briar asked placing her hands on her hips.

" I'm going down to the castle-teria to have breakfast with Apple and Blondie." Ashlynn said as she opened the door. " You coming?"

" Nah, I'm gonna stay up here. I'm gonna find out this mystery person you speak of." Briar grabbed her phone.

" Alright then." Ashlynn giggled. "Good luck."


" I don't get it." Briar groaned as she jumped upon Ashlynn's bed. " I thought and thought of every boy in the school. I even asked them."

" That's weird." Ashlynn commented as she sketched a design for Fashion class.

" Don't judge." Briar snapped.

" Did you ask every boy?" Ashlynn narrowed her left eyebrow in suspicion.

" Well, every boy I passed by." Briar confessed. Ashlynn shook her head as her phone started to vibrate.

    " Who's that?" Briar asked.

    " Excuse me." Ashlynn said as she outside their dorm. " Important call."

    Outside her dorm, Ashlynn closed the door behind her as she held her phone close to her ear.

   " Hello?" she spoke quietly, knowing that Briar could be listening on the other side.

    " Hey Ashlynn, it's me, Hopper." a voice replied.

    " Don't worry Hopper, she doesn't know a thing." Ashlynn smirked.

    " Oh good." he sighed. " I just wanted to tell you that you won't need your door unlocked for me tonight."

    " Are you sure?" Ashlynn asked. "What if she falls asleep before you can reach her."

    " This might sound creepy but, I'll be watching her get to the balcony. Then, after a few minutes, I'll go in."

   " Alright, but just in case, I'll keep the door unlocked."

    " Thanks."


    " Where are you going?" Ashlynn asked with a small yawn.

    " The balcony." Briar sighed. " I need to keep my mind off of this mystery person."

    " Alright." Ashlynn yawned as Briar left the dorm and headed to the balcony.

When Briar got there, she figured out that she was all alone, or so she thought. She sat down on the balcony's only bench and stared at the twinkling stars. Some zoomed across the sky while some twinkled bright. Some faded away from her sight. For some reason, it reminded her of her destiny as Sleeping Beauty.

A few minutes passed by as a figure walked up behind her, without her noticing.

" Mind if I join you?" he asked, and he managed to make it sound less creepy, and more...princely. Briar turned around and saw Hopper, standing.

" Sure." she smiled as Hopper sat beside her.

" It's a beautiful night, isn't it?" Hopper asked softly as she faced the sky.

    " Yeah..." Briar stared at the sky. But Hopper didn't, he looked beside her. Luckily, Briar didn't notice.

    Suddenly, Briar realized something. She looked at Hopper and asked her the question she'd been asking almost everyone at the school.

   " Hey uh, Hopper? Can I ask you a question?" Briar asked.

    " Sure." he replied, his heart started to beat quickly.

    " This may sound awkward or weird but...there's this person who brings me to my dorm room whenever I fall asleep here. And I was wondering if you knew something about it." Briar blushed, but the night hid the hue.

    " Well, how do I put it this way?" Hopper replied, scratching his neck.
" Every night I like to go to the balcony for some nightly fresh air. I usually tend to see you around, asleep. And I couldn't just leave you here in the balcony, you would get in trouble. It happened so often that Ashlynn would leave the door unlocked for you and I."

    " Oh..." Briar laughed nervously.

    " It's okay. I gotta confess, it gave me a good excuse to come up here every-"

    Hopper was cut off by Briar snoring quietly. He turned to see Briar sleeping, again. The frog prince laughed quietly to himself as he picked up Briar and headed to her dorm room.

    Mystery solved...I guess.

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