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As we make our way through the streets, I marvel at every siren I see. It's like seeing someone with wings; but hundreds of them all at once. Everyone was wearing a mask, which prevented me from actually knowing what their face looked like. But I really only need their tail to know what they look like. Like mine with it's sea green glare and coal black stripes. Or mystery guy with a sleek gray tail and darker gray dots. He wasn't wearing an outfit or a shirt for that matter, but he had a beautiful mask.
The base of it was a dark blue plastic, framed by jagged yellow edges. There were scratches on it making a design that looked tentacles of a octopus reaching for his kind dark golden eyes. His black hair spiked up in the front, like mine. For a second I almost forgot we were in the biggest festival in the ocean.  He turns towards me and flashes a breath taking smile.
"So Stranger, what do you want to do first?" He asked, his beautiful eyes sparkle with curiosity. Oh my God, what am I thinking? I need to focus! But I couldn't resist drinking him in. From his bare chest to his fluffy white hair, I suddenly had an impulsion to rustle his hair and press my palm against his chest... Ugh! No, not happening. I look around and then pointed at the food table. He chuckled. "After you, Stranger." He said and I look at him, but I couldn't glare.
"The appropriate term is 'Victory' thank you." I lecture and he smirked.
"If you intent to pay, then keep scolding me Stranger." He teased.
"Ah, sorry!" I yelp. He made a laugh that sounded more like a low rumble.
"Are you seriously that desperate for food? Hahaha!" He chuckled and then pulled me towards the food table. The siren running it looked up at me and my handsome stranger.
"What'll it be?" She said, clearly annoyed that he was with me even though she was way older than both of us. At least, I think. It's hard to tell when you can't see their face.
"You heard the lady. What'll it be Stranger?" He said, poking my cheek. I huff, annoyed. Sure, I'm charmed, but it's courtesy to call people by their names.
"The Salmon and Cucumber Cream plater with extra shrimp." I stated coldly, and then turned back to him. He was gawking at me.
"That's a lot for a stranger such as yourself, right?" He said nervously. I scowled at him.
"Are you saying I can't eat what I ordered, Stranger?" I asked. He playfully scuffed me.
"I'm the only one who can call someone stranger. You can't just steal it!" He exclaimed. I smiled.
"Already did, Stranger." I teased him. His hand was on my mouth before I even knew he moved his arm. He snickered.
"Now you can't say it, Stranger." He whispered, smiling. Mad, I try to move his hand but I couldn't. I was about to bite his hand when I heard a sigh.
"Stop arguing and order! Will that be it?" The food lady huffed. Stranger man turned to her and smiled.
"A fried tentacle with steamed seaweed and a Sword Platter Special please. That'll be it madam." He said. I raised and eyebrow. "What? Speak please." He said. I point at his hand franticly and he smiled. "Ah, that might be a problem." He snickered and moved his hand. I sighed heavily.
"Thank you, finally. And that's more food than me!" I exclaim and he smiled.
"Well, I have to top you, right? And if you can eat that then surely I can it that." He said. I groaned as the lady handed him our meal.
"Come on, I know the perfect spot! Plus, not many sirens know about it." I said and started swimming. He smiled and followed. As I swam, I let my mind wonder to last night. The sailor was right, he saved my life twice. But how could I tell him? He would kill me on the spot!
And then there was that mystery woman. Did she do that just for me? I wondered about that until we reached the reef. Of course it's not in the festival grounds, but it's nice. I disappear into a coral group that looks like I wouldn't go anywhere, but I knew better. As I swam down the huge hole, I look up to see him looking at me wearily. I smile.
"Come on! I won't lead you to your death. Then again, you shouldn't trust strangers." I said and winked. He groaned.
"It's ok, I'm coming. And your not a stranger, Stranger." He said. I laughed.
"You made zero sense right there." I said, giggling. He swam in and I continued to lead the way. I led him in a opening that had walls sparkling with diamonds. His eyes opened wide as he dragged his fingers along the wall. I chuckled. "Go ahead, marvel at the scene. That's what I did..." I trailed off. Why did I take him here? This was supposed to be for people that were close for me. I guess I wanted to impress him, but this is not a way to do it. I mean, taking him to the shrine of my parents? I was crazy.
"What is this?" He asked as he pointed at the small hallway by the floor of the huge cavern.
"N-Nothing! We don't need to go down there..." I said nervously and he smiled mischievously. Setting our food on the floor, he started swimming down the hallway. I swam after him and got in front of him, putting my hands out.
"We r-really don't n-need to g-go d-down there." I stuttered, but he passed me.
"Come on! You can't hide anything from me!" He shouted and then swam into the small room. I follow him, unable to contain my fear. I haven't been here since they died, since the day that I could never forget. I take a deep breathe and swam in.
Mr. Stranger just stood there and looked at the shrine. It was standing on a sliver cylinder, the thing I feared most. My dad's compass was there, along with his necklace that matched my mother's. Next to his stuff was mom's, and I could barely look at them. It had her necklace and her hair clip, the one that looked like the one I was wearing. I touched the hair clip I was wearing and started to sob.
"Mommy! Watch me and big sis!" I shouted at my mom as she ruffled dad's hair.
"Ok sweetie ok, I'm watching." She said and I smiled.
"Ok big sis! Let's show the hair! The hair!" I said excitedly. Leila pulled out two hair clips, both exactly the same. The were rainbow colored on a pink hair clip. My mom gasped.
"Oh my! Just for me?" She exclaimed and took them. We smiled and nodded.
"Yeah! Mommy likes! Mommy likes!" We shouted in unison. Both of us tackle her into a hug.
"Hey! What about your papa!" My dad said, sounding left out.
"Pappy can get a hug too!" We giggled and threw our arms around him. As we went to leave, mom accidentally let go of one of the hair clips and it was carried away by the current.
"No! Mommy's hair clip!" We shouted. She comforted us as we started crying.
"Hey! Don't cry! One day, the clip will return, and when it does you can return it to mommy!" She said. We nodded and headed home.
I can't return it to her now. The stranger turned around and was about to ask a question when he saw the state I was in. Silently, he put his arm around my shoulders and we swam back to the cavern. I slowly let myself sink to the ground, still sobbing. He stayed there with me the whole time. After a few minutes I wiped my eyes. Turning to him, I tried to summon the words to explain but he help up his hand. His sharp eyes looked straight into mine, deadly serious.
Slowly, we were pulled towards each other. I closed my eyes as I felt his lips on mine. We kissed, and then he pulled back. I lean my head against his chest, peacefully. He started stroking my hair as we sat there.
"I won't ever leave you. You don't need to explain anything to me, because I don't need to know. All I want is to make sure you'll never cry again." He said, hugging me. I laughed bitterly.
"I've heard that before. My question is will you really be there?" I muttered. He tilted my head up.
"Always." He said, and then kissed me again. Why am I letting him do this to me? He's a stranger! I pull away and smile.
"Shouldn't we eat before the food rots away?" I asked. I could see he was a little bit disappointed, but he smiled anyway.
"Yeah! I'm definitely starving." He said, swimming over to the food. Carefully, he carried it over here. I started on my plate and I stare at him.
"What Stranger?" He asked. I sighed.
"I need a name to call you by." I sighed and he laughed.
"Seriously? That's it?" He laughed. I started laughing with him.
"Yeah." I said through me giggles.
"It's Echo." He said and smiled. I smiled with him.
"I know I'll never forget that name."

Hello, FluffyPawz here! Sorry for the late update, but a lot is going on. Tomorrow will be my last update until Monday because it's my birthday this weekend! So I hope you guys understand, and take care!😆

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