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I scream, the ocean around me pulsing like a heart beat. My parent's necklaces were in my hand as I struggled to get a grip on what happened. My sister was looking at me with fear in her eyes. Wrath. Towards the lowly humans, who think they are all high and mighty. And then I felt something change inside me. It was like a bubble bursting in my stomach, cold and painful. I double over, spewing up blood. What was happening to me? I reached for my sister, screaming in pain and the last thing I saw was her cowering fearful by a shipwreck.
I jolt up, hot and clammy. My hand flew to my head as it started to throb. Ugh, what happened...? Oh wait, I remember. Rubbing my head, I look around and the shot out of bed. Next to me was a furious Echo, which mind you, is very scary. He had his arms crossed and still hasn't taken his mask off. Then again, today was the second day of the festival.
"I don't even know where to begin..." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
"Um, what are you doing in my room?! And why were you watching me sleep?!" I shout.
"Uh, sis? You ok? Did you have another nightmare?" Leila questioned. If she caught Echo in here, he'll be as good as dead. I turn to him and nodded to my closet. He looked aggravated, but he hid in the closet. My sister swam in right as he disappeared into the closet, concern on her face.
"Was it the same one?" She asked. I look at her, tears running down my face. I don't even know when I started crying, but all I could think of when I looked at her was her ten-year-old self cowering like I was supposed to kill her. She feared me then and I know that a part of her still does. It kills me that she does. It hurts so bad that the only person who has been through everything with you is scared of you. She sits down on my bed and hugs me.
"Leila, you know I'll never hurt you, right?" I whisper. She hugged me tighter.
"Oh Victory, your my sister. I'll love you forever." My sister replied. My heart felt like it was stabbed, though her reply was nothing new. I hate how she avoids my question, but when I confronted her about it she'll magical have something to do. I squeezed her tighter, a reassurance only to myself. Suddenly there was a loud noise coming from my closet. Leila flinched back, staring into my eyes, terrified. She was no longer hugging me as she slowly moved back.
"Wait, Leila! Where are you going?" I ask, desperate for her not to fear me. Her face was as pale as it could be.
"I-I need to go get ready for the second day. I mean today. Um, see you later!" She stuttered and then hurried out of the room. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. Echo crept out, guilt in his eyes.
"Um, I didn't mean to do that..." He said apologetically.
"Get out." I whisper. He was the reason that my sister ran off.
"I'm sorry, but I won't do that. I need answers." He stated. Anger filled my heart.
"I said get out!" I shout, a pulse forming around me like the dream. He was pushed against the wall, his eyes wide.
"Two renosents? How is that even possible?" He questioned aloud, in shock from what happened. I slowly sink down onto my bed, huffing. It took a lot of energy to do that, plus my killer headache. I look at him, expecting the same fear that came from my sister. He was looking at me, but not with fear, with sympathy.
"Why are you looking at my like that? Shouldn't you fear me and never want to see me again?" I whispered, remembering what my sister was like eight years ago.
I swam up to my big sister's room to find it barricaded with bed sheets.
"Sis! Let's play together!" I shouted excitedly.
"N-No! Stay back!" She stuttered, but it was muffled by the door.
It was two years before she took that sheet down, and two more before coming out of her room. She wouldn't even look at me until a year ago.
"Is that what you want? Because it sure doesn't feel that way." Echo whispered, making his way across the room. I flinched when he tilted my chin up. "You'll have to do more than that to scare me off." He said softly, staring intently into my eyes. He won't leave me? But... My mind went blank as I stare into his eye, completely taken away by how dazzling they were. I threw my arms around him and he chuckled. "Is this how you act to everyone you meet?" He asked. I smiled.
"No, you just are special." I muttered softly.
" Yay, I'm special!" He said in a mockingly tone. I hugged him tighter. He sat down next to me and I retract my arms, dreading what happens next.
"About earlier, um, I'll answer your questions truthfully. Just please don't change your opinion of me because of my answers." I plead to him.
"Of course I won't!" He replied. Sighing, he looked me in the eyes. "Ok, why do you go into the port?" He asked. I twisted a strand of my hair.
"Ready for a long story?" I asked. He nodded. I found myself telling him every little detail. I know I just met him and I shouldn't be telling him all of this, but his aurora compels me to. He listened intently, clearly caring about what I was saying. After I was done, he looked almost impressed.
"So you got drunk on one shot?" He asked.
"That's not the point of the story!" I said and he chuckled.
"Ok, ok. Next question!" He declared but I stopped him.
"No, it's my turn!" I said. He raised an eyebrow.
"I didn't know this was part of the deal." He said. I laughed.
"Come on! Please?" I begged and he snickered.
"Fine, shoot." He said.
"Where do you live?" I asked. He burst out laughing. After about five minutes he looked at me.
"I'm sorry, I was expecting a deep answer." He said. "I'll show you later today." He said, still laughing a little bit.
"What makes you think we are going there later today?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. He smirked and pushed me up against the wall next to my bed and I started blushing wildly. He leaned close to my ear, and I try to hide my heart beating out of my chest.
"Because you'll do anything for food." He whispered softly. I started laughing hard. He backs away from me and joins in.
"Then I guess that'll happen." I said through my giggles.
"Ok, my turn." He said, he face going completely serious. "What happened with your sister and parents?"

Hello my favorite people! It's FluffyPawz here! I would like to say thank you for reading my book and putting up with my crazy update pattern! I'm introducing a new character, so if you have any name ideas leave it in the comments! Also I'm currently in a contest right now and I am officially a nominee! It would be awesome if you guys voted for me!

That's the contest, and I am in the Best Fantasy Author! Please vote for me! Thank you and keep reading! (Also I really appreciate comments, and in the next "101" I'll give two shout outs to people who comment!)

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