Love is Rough

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Love is a beautiful thing. Love is an amazing thing. I know it's kinda weird and cliche to say, but I love love. But...

Love is rough. Love is difficult at times. Love is so mind boggling, that it can actually drive a person insane.

Scenario time!

Okay. Imagine that you've been dating this person for...Let's say 4-5 years and you're madly in love with them. And then out of nowhere, they drop you so they can get with some other person.

I know it's kind of hard to imagine, but I can say right now that it's frustrating. It could make anybody who actually experienced the love in that relationship to become greatly upset.

Love is a dangerous thing.

It's like a...a choice game. A scenario game with each choice and decision you make leading into different paths.

It's terrifying if you make the wrong choice...But even so...It's worth it when you make the right one.

The entire moral of the story is: Be careful. If you want a relationship to work, give your all and let the person know how you feel. But if it fails, know you tried your best.

You're still the same perfect person at the end of the day

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