Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven.

After we had returned hope to the town we had visited the weather seemed to be pleased with us. First the snow had stopped falling and then the clouds had slowly disappeared, just in time to see the sun set behind the horizon.

We had not reached the small city that we had wanted to reach before the end of the day because of the storm and the distractions we encountered, but our luck for the day had not been used up just yet. After the fields we had traveled through we had finally reached a forest area where we would find a better shelter against the weather and other predators.

Of course, the forest was no safe place either. But in this region it was much preferred over sleeping out in the fields; tales and stories of vicious field foxes and other hostile animals roaming about were not uncommon.

I kept my eyes open for a suited place to set up our makeshift camp and I found it just before the last bits of light completely disappeared from the sky. A small slope would provide cover from the wind and forest creatures and from the road side it was shielded well enough from sight by thick, thorny bushes.

As Valeria searched our cart for blankets I tried to get a small fire going; it would increase our visibility, but we could risk it. A warm meal outweighed the possibility of people finding out our shelter.

Valeria was a better cook than I would ever be; I did not realize just how hungry I was until the breeze directed the scent of the stew that was cooking over the fire to me. We sat both huddled in blankets in front of the fire, waiting for the meal to be done and I could not help but remember how Asalie and I had often camped out like this.

Especially during the summer months, we would spend our days in the forests near our hometown; exploring, climbing and pretending we were heroes fighting the bad guys. And when we grew older we did little expeditions, traveling further away and sleeping in the outdoors. Even then I had been a horrible cook; I could not even make a piece of toast without burning it.

After we became Knights we continued our little journeys, often with an official sounding excuse behind it. Truth was all knew we had so much fun during those trips they just let us get away with it, ensuring a quite embarrassing moment when we found that out.

“What are you thinking about?” Valeria asked as she stirred in the stew. Remembering those moments had brought a smile upon my face.

“In the past Asalie and I often camped like this too. I have fond memories of those times.” I explained to her and sighed. “When is the stew done?”

“Almost. And I thought that Knights usually stayed around their village?” The Mage handed me a wooden bowl and a spoon.

“Usually, yes. But even as children we spend a lot of time in the forest. Old habits die hard, I guess.” I held my bowl closer to the pot with stew, so Valeria could give me my share.

“Yes, I guess.” Valeria helped herself to a portion of stew too and a smile spread across her face. Not because of the hot meal, but I could see that she was reliving moments of the past too. I realized that I did not know much about her.

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