Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve.

The closer we got to the south, the colder it became. Winters were cold in the rest of the land, but the frozen fields that were the Snow Witch’s domain remained even colder than that throughout the year. And with my curse fading I began to feel the biting cold in my hands, feet and face – I almost felt a little jealous that Asalie was still more influenced by the curse’s benefits, but I had to get used to the cold, for it would get worse with every passing day.

Valeria and Isaac were doing even worse in this part of the land and even though they both did their best not to show their discomfort, I could see that they were struggling by the way they shivered and tried to warm their fingers. As much as I disliked the idea of being visible during the night, we had to build a fire to keep ourselves warm.

So far we had been lucky not to run into any minions and I was sincerely surprised when we were only a mile away from the castle and still had not encountered one – if there was a region where there were a lot of those filths it was the frozen south.

After a few days of traveling we got to a wood of white trees without leafs and dark blue, thorny bushes. We were very close now

“Is this the fabled entrance to the Snow Witch’s castle?” Isaac said surprised when we had arrived at our destination. “I mean, it is large, but… I have to admit this is somewhat of an anti-climax.”

“It is nothing special, but it does its job. These doors have not let anyone but the Snow Witch’s own through. Until now that is.” I placed my hands against the large, white entrance, ready to push them open as I had done so many times before. The two doors were made out of white wood and were as tall as at least five full-grown men.

Something was off. The blue, glowing lines of magic appeared where my hands touched the cold wood – the door recognized my touch – but it did not open. I frowned and pushed harder, but the door did not move. “Oh, I do not believe this…”

“Let me try it.” Asalie placed her hands besides mine, her magic lines rising to the surface as well. For a moment it seemed as if the door began to open under the pressure of both me and Asalie pushing at it, but even with our combined power it still did not move.

I sighed and took my hands away from the door – the lines disappeared and I kicked against the door in anger, it was almost as if it was mocking me. “Damn it!”

However, Asalie kept trying to open the white doors, more magic spreading across the wood as she focused and Valeria stood beside her, adding her own magic. Her hands glowed and the magic lines that moved from them swirled around the straight lines of Asalie’s power.

Feeling stupid that I had given up so easily I joined them at the door again, adding my own pattern to the lines that were slowly expanding upwards. I am not sure how long we stood there, perhaps an hour had passed, but the door would still not open for us.

My foot found the white wood again and the sound of the impact echoed around the clearing. Valeria and Asalie took their hands from the door too; it was no use, this magic was stronger than we were.

I knew it was too easy. That door opening was a scenario that was too good to be true and I had known it. But I had followed that little voice that had told me that maybe – maybe – the door would just open, like it had when I was still fully cursed.

“Damn it!” I yelled again.

“What are we going to do now?” Asalie asked as she stared up at the door, trying to find a weak spot in the wood.

“Staying here is useless.” Valeria said and hopped onto the cart again. “We need more information, a library, books, or someone with more knowledge about this type of magic, someone powerful.”

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