No Frauds

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Diamond pic
I had went back to the hotel after we called Chris because I needed to get my things and on the way there the girls and I had stopped for coffee.
D: I gotta tell y'all something
C: what is it
D: Zayn is trying to get with me even though I keep telling him I don't want him
Ca: what the hell
C: that nigga must be crazy
D: he was like he will do what ever it takes to get me
C: you need to stay away from him
D: Ik Ik but umm we need to go get my things now bc we have to go meet Chris to talk about the Selena case
We get in my car and I drive to the hotel as we are walking to my room we see Zayn but we keep walking I grab my stuff and check to see if I got everything and then leave I need to drop this off at home before I got meet up with Justin, the boys, and Chris.
Chris: hey guys. Diamond you look beautiful as always
D: thank you
Chris: is that the baby
J: yes this is Melanie
Chris: Aww she is so cute. Ok let's take this to my office
J: ok
Chris: ok so tell me what is going on with Selena
J: Ever since I left her for Diamond she's been trying to get me back
D: and by trying he means wanting to get rid of me so she can have my family for herself
Chris: Well damn
Ca: The bitch tried all of us like I remember the time she kidnapped me just to get diamond to meet her
Chris: ok this is more than I thought but with all the witness we can put her in jail for a couple years
D: please because if she tires to come after my baby I promise you I will be the one in jail and she will be in a grave
J: Babe calm down please
Chris: Ok D tell me about when she kidnapped you
D: when she did we were all watching a movie and Justin was passed out in the couch the whole time but we were in the car and she was going on and on about how I thought I was perfect and how much she hated me for taking Justin and I was telling her that he didn't want her and that he was happy with his family and she got mad and slapped me.
Chris: This case is gonna be a lot for me but Imma need everyone's statement but I'll do that another day I just needed to know this much but I will keep in touch and Justin I'll call you tomorrow and I better be invited to the wedding
J: ok and Ofc you were invited to the first one you will be invited to the second one if we ever start planning it
We all got in our cars and we were all gonna meet at the house and me and the girls were gonna cook dinner but mostly bc they can't really cook we all get out the car I'm walk inside
J:Hey D can I talk to you upstairs
D: Yea i have to bring Mel upstairs anyway to put her down
J: Ok
Justin and Diamond walk upstairs and she gets Mel in her pjs and puts her on the crib so she can sleep
D: Umm what happened
J: Sit Down
D: ok what now
J: I just wanna talk to you and see what the deal is with us bc I really love you and I don't want to get a divorce anytime soon or at all we've been together since we were 18 and the pass 6 years heave been the best with you
D: Justin nothing is gonna happen so calm down I love you and I'm not going anywhere so sorry your stuck with me we have a unbreakable bond no matter how many time you hurt me
J: I'm just making sure cause things seem to be so different
D: well yes things are different we have a baby now and we can't be doing the things we used to do but we need to go downstairs before we starve bc you know they can cook
J: ok
Justin kisses Diamond and then they walk downstairs
D: ok hoes what do y'all wanna eat
C: Alfredo
D: ok everyone ok with that
E/b: yea
D: Bet that what I'm making. What y'all wanna talk about
E/b: you and Justin
J: what about us
A: how are y'all
D: we are fine right now
Diamond smiles and everyone says aww
K: Are you guys still gonna have the wedding
J: well yea but after this court thing bc at the moment it's to much
D: Yea
C: lit and this time stick to your vows
D: Hey I have always stuck to my vows no offense Justin
J: non taken
Ca: these frauds just need to stop trying this family
D: that's a fact
A: do you guys plan on having another baby
J: yes but in like two years cause we want Mel to be a little older
A good 29 minutes later the food was done
D: get some food hoes
K: this is why I love D like she is so forgiving and can cook
D: oh hush child I wasn't always like this and you know it
K: oh yes the very first time Justin cheated she almost killed him and it took her like four months to forgive him
J: those were the worst four months of my life
D: things are different now I'm married which I didn't think would ever happen and I have a kid which I didn't think would happen either
J: Wym
D: It's just that you were so irresponsible back then that I was like he's never gonna settle down and i didn't want to get married at one point of my life or have kids bc of my music but here I have happily married and a beautiful baby

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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