The anouncement

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Diamonds pov

The other reason why I broke up with Jake was bc he would abuse me when he came home drunk I never told my girls bc the would have murdered him cleaned it up and acted like nun ever happened he said she had got help and he was clean but I just didn't believe so I ended things with him and know I'm happy I did bc I have an adorable baby girl and a handsome husband and a great music career I couldn't ask for better so today is the day were going to tell everyone we are back together again I wonder what they would think so everyone is her now
"Ok guys I just wanted to tell u that me and Justin are back together" I tell so everyone can here and Justin wraps his arms around my waits
"OMG" everyone said at the same time
"I'm so happy for u" Charity and Carmen say to me
"I'm so happy I've been hoping you guys will get back together everyone is a family again yay " Carmen said in excited
"Lmao alright guys see u at the hotel tmm" I say as everyone leaves
"I'm so happy for u babe I couldn't stand seeing u hurt" Carmen says to me and I love her for that she is so caring sometimes but when I need her she is there
" yeah I'm happy again and I love it plus me and him had sex again and girl when I tell u it was just passionate I really mean it like he showed me he loves me" that's all I thought about in the moment was the night me and Justin had sex again I mean I missed his touch a lot
" aww a lease the baby didn't interrupt" Charity said and she was right we had a quiet night not but yeah Mel didn't interrupt
"Yeah true but I mean if I wanna show him I love him I will no matter wat so even if she did cry I wouldn't be a problem at all" I say to them
"But anyway we going to let u go to ur man cuz we know u want to cuddle with each other" they know me so well
"Imma see y'all tmm anyway we going to celebrate and me and him have another suprise for every one anyway but this one y'all going to like" they leave and I go to bed with the love of my life and my baby girl Mel is just the cutest thing I could ever ask for I'm happy I had her even tho I was scared

The other reason why I broke up with Jake was bc he would abuse me when he came home drunk I never told my girls bc the would have murdered him cleaned it up and acted like nun ever happened he said she had got help and he was clean but I just did...

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My little family and more too add to it just not right know

Our love never endsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora