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[ 2:08 am, 11/03/16 ]


hi. how are you, rainbow?
um, it's pretty late right now, it's actually after two in the morning ---



play again?

[ 2:15 am, 11/03/16 ]


that wasn't the best way to start this. i apologize for that. in all honesty, i have no idea whatsoever how to do this. i hope it'll turn out well though, i hope you'll come back to me. i miss you. so much, i do.

i guess the only way to really start this is by saying i'm sorry.

i don't know why it took me this long to do this, bow. i guess it's just that, i-

maybe it was...

ah. i know. it was because i am a very complicated man, that much you know for ceartain. and because of that one fact alone, i have allowed myself to be something you came to dread. something you wanted to avoid, something...

someone who pushed you away, even after you tried to help. after you gave me chance after chance, and after you still smiled while you walked away from me.

you still had sad tears to flow from your eyes as i watched you with malice.

and at the time, i didn't care. what for? i thought i had never experienced love, and that i wouldn't need to. i had enough of love within me myself, and i definitely didn't need anyone else's. i was satisfied. i wasn't hurt.

but you were, and i soon learned that what i thought was love within me, was anything but.

god, i'm so sorry.

you were hurt, and i failed to realize it, until it was too late.

it's still too late. that i am aware of, but what i am here for, if not for anything else, is to tell you that you were not at fault. you never were, and you never will be.

but i am also here if you want me. if you'd allow me back into you, back into your thoughts and feelings.

i am still here to love you, like you loved me. if you'd let me.

forgive me.

i love you.

play again?

note| idk bout this lmao
i hope you all liked
the first chapter! pls tell me
what you thought! ❤

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