Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

3 hours later they touched down in Sydney and after collecting their luggage and leaving the airport they had a short wait for a taxi to take them to their hotel.

“Babe do you mind if I have a smoke while we wait for the taxi. I really need one,” Aidan said.

“Nah it’s fine. Go for it,” Amber said.

So Aidan got a smoke out and lit up. It was the first time that Amber was able to see what he smoked and she discovered that he smoked tailor made cigarettes not ones that he had to roll himself.  When he had finished his smoke he made sure the butt was out and put it in a nearby trashcan.

“Aah much better,” he said, when he rejoined Amber.

He got some gum out offering Amber a piece but she said no as she wasn’t a gum chewer. Their taxi pulled up then and they piled into it after putting the luggage in the boot. Their hotel was a 15 minute drive away and when they got there they had just enough time to put their luggage in their rooms and freshen up before meeting up with Jed and Adam and heading to Supernova. Aidan had changed into a brown t-shirt and blue jeans with a jacket over the top. They then headed down to the hotel lobby where they were meeting Adam and Jed as well as the staff member assigned to look after the three of them.

“Hey Aid how are ya?” Jed called out, as they approached.

“Good. Ready to do this,” Aidan said.

The other two guys remembered Amber and greeted her warmly.

“Aid this is Diane,” Jed said, introducing the staff member who was going to be their minder.

“Nice to meet you Diane,” Aidan said, “this is my girlfriend Amber,” Aidan added, introducing Amber.

They were staying at The Pullman hotel as it was just 5 minutes from the Sydney Showground which was the venue for the expo. Aidan was pulling Amber’s bag on wheels as he’d offered to do so when they were getting ready to go down to the lobby. When they reached the Showground Diane got them in  and once inside Aidan turned to Amber.

“I’ll see you later at the panel we’re doing,” he said.

“See you then babe,” Amber said.

She and Aidan hugged and shared a kiss and then Amber headed to find the booth that the Southern Cross Garrison and Tython Base were using. It turned out to be in the middle of the floor and was a good size. Amber introduced herself to one of the people not in costume and was allowed to go out the back and suit up. Out the back she met everyone who was suiting up and was able to put some faces to names she’d seen on the Garrison and Base forums. It took half an hour or so to suit up in her fem trooper and then she hit the floor and began posing for photos and interacting with the public. Aidan’s panel was at 11.30 so after an hour of trooping Amber headed down to see the panel. She had decided to wear her helmet when walking around for a change so it took her a little while to make her way down to where the panels were being held. When she got there she found a seat and took off her helmet and began thinking of a question to ask the three guys.

Aidan had gone to the VIP lounge and hung out there  with Adam and Jed until it was time for the panel.

“How’s it going with Amber. Did you have fun in Hamilton with her?” Adam asked.

“It’s been great spending time with her and no there hasn’t been any of THAT kind of fun,” Aidan said.

“I wasn’t asking that,” Adam protested.

“Are you sharing a hotel room with her,” Jed asked mischievously.

“Yeah but we’re sleeping in separate beds,” Aidan said.

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