The return of dick and jason (batfamily fan fic)

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He guys, this is my very first fanfic, well I have wrote others but this is my first post so you will have to bare with me. But I hope you guys like it! Ugh who am I kidding, no body is going to read this. But if you are PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment and give me ideas. Thanks. enjoy

Stay SCHWAY!!!!

Dicks POV
I'm ridding on my motorcycle back to Gotham. I haven't been there in three years. I missed Bruce, but I didn't always want to be known as batman's side kick. I was the leader of the Teen Titans. But I decided to come back because, I left to go solo and then found a team. There has been a lot of trouble in Gotham including the death of the second robin. I see the manor in the distance. I ride up the road that leads to the house, house is an under statement. I remember the night I first came here.

Flash back

We drive up in the limo. Alfred opens the car door.

"Welcome come, master Richard,"

It is HUGE. Growing up in a travailing circus, I was alway stuck on trains. And if we weren't moving we were practicing or performing. But I loved the circus. We were all a family.

Alfred opens the door to the mansion.

"Whoa, it's bigger than anything I've ever seen," I say.

" I want you to be comfortable here, so if u need anything don't hesitate to ask Alfred or my self," Bruce says warmly.

"Thank you Mr. Wayne," I say

"Call me Bruce," he says with a smile.

End of flash back

I sake my head trying to get this thought out of my head. "Shut up Grayson, he's gonna be so mad that you left," I whisper to my self. Then I start thinking of Barbara and are first mission together.

Flash back

"On my mark, ONE-TWO...." I stop as she jumps of the building. And jump after.

"What ever happened to three?!" I ask as we soar to two faces guys.

"Eh, I got bored," she smirked as she smacked some guys into each other.

"Hey, bet you can't do this, BRATGIRL." I tease as I do a double flip in the air are land on one of the guys head.

"Easy," she smirked as she does the same.

We finish of the rest of the guys and there's one left.

"I got this one, boy wonder," she says as she grabs one of the guys.

We here police sirens. Barbara looks at me, and then back at the goon.

"Well it's been fun, will play another day boys, but this is are stop." She says to them with a smile and a hair flip.

She through the guy she had into the pile of guys we had beat up.

We grapple out.

End of flashback

After are first mission together when we were 10, we became best friends. She spent more time at the mansion with me then at her own house. We did everything together. We dated for a while before I left, when we were 18. But it was cut short by me leaving and not saying goodbye. I still loved her though. I bet she will never talk to me again.

Flash back

I walked up to Barbara's apartment, her dad was probably still at work, which was good because he didn't like me, good think he didn't know we were batgirl and robin, he would have hated me even more. I get to the door with the mark '7b' on it. I try to do my best at knocking even though I was holding back tears. She opens.

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