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I go into Dicks room.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"It's Barbara, she's moving out. "

"... When did this get to be such a mess?"

"What are we going to do?"

"I don't know. I feel terrible, I love her so much, I really feel horrible for hurting her."


"Let me show you something, it's in my old room, well actually it's in your room,"

He walks out, I follow close behind him. He enters my room and goes into the closet.

"Have you seen this room?" He asks.

"Wha? It's a closet, it's not that interesting."

He pushes down on part of the wall, it opens and he steps in. It's a small room like an attic. He opens a large dusty boxes and pulls out a small white ring box.

"How did I not know about this."

"I bought this 3 years ago," he says with a smile, ignoring my question.

"I don't even know what I was thinking. I mean I was 18," he says with a little laugh.

"But I loved her... I didn't leave her Tim. I didn't want to leave her... But I did. It was the stupidest thing I ever did. I didn't leave her but... But I did. I lift Bruce, I didn't want to be Robin anymore. I meat my breaking point with Bruce, I freaked out and made a terrible choice."

"So you never asked her?"

"No. She would have said no any way."

"I don't know. I think she might have. She loves you."

"I need to fix this, now."

He begins to walk out, stops, walks back and puts the ring box in his pocket and shoots me a smile.

"She at her dad's apartment, by the way. What are you going to say exactly?"

"I don't know, I'll wing it I guess. "

He runs out happily. I hear the sound of his motorcycle roar away.

Barbara POV

I sit on the couch in my sweat pants and hoddie. I pull my long red hair out of a pony tale. I hear a knock on the door. I look at the clock.

"3am? Who could it be know?" I whisper to my self.

I hope it's not Dick, I really don't wanna see Dick. But knowing that it's probably Tim I open the door.

There he is... The Joker. His pail white skin, his deranged eyes, his sicking green hair. Before I can fight back or say a word... There's a bullet in my body. I feel it enter though my stomach, I feel a piercing pain run down my spinal cord and stop at my waist. I fall to the ground.

"This is sure to make your daddy go nuts!" He laughs.

I feel the blood start to pour out of my body. I begin to cry softly. The last thing I remember before passing out was his terrible laugh.

Dick POV

I run up to Barbara's apartment. The same apartment I had last seen her in before I left for New York. The door is open I run in to see Barbara... In a pool of her own blood. I begin to shake. The picture is so horrific.

"BARBARA!" I scream falling to my knees next to her. I pull her into my arms. The blood now drips on to my body. Her eyes flitter open.

"... Dick?" She whispers.

"Yes I'm hear, I'm hear Babs," I say begging to cry.

"Don't leave me Dick... Don't leave me ever again."

"I won't, I won't leave you Barbara."

I hear the sirens walling. A neighbor must have called 911. They pull her out a quickly put her on a stretcher. Before they leave I try to give Barbara a comforting look. After they leave I shut the door quickly. I fall back to the ground and scream and cry loader then I've ever been before, loader then when my parents died In front of me.

"Why?! It's all my fault," I scream.

I get up and run to the wall. With all my might I punch my fist through the wall with a shout. I quickly run down to my motorcycle and hop on. I look to my right and see Barbara's motorcycle parked next to me. I gulp and put on my helmet. I drive to Gotham City Hospital. I run into the building.

The return of dick and jason (batfamily fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now